Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sunday Gazetteer
Denison, Texas
Sunday, September 1, 1889
pg 1

A Black's Bad Break

Buck Henderson, a negro, was arrested Monday morning by Officer Hackeny on a charge of criminal assault upon the person of Mrs. J. S. Suddith, of Greenville, at Willis Holmes' boarding house, on South Austin avenue. Mrs. Suddith, who is 44 years of age, stated to press representatives that she came up from Greenville Sunday  morning to attend to some business, and finding that she could not get back the same night she went over to Holmes' boarding house and secured a room. About
3 a.m. she was awakened by feeling some one in bed, and springing up she demanded to know who the intruder was, and what he or she was doing there. In answer the bold rascal lit a match and disclosed the features of the negro Henderson.
She then gave the alarm, and an officer being summoned her assailant was arrested and locked up. He was arraigned in Judge LaBeaume's court Tuesday on a charge of rape, and it was not until Wednesday at 3 p.m. that a conclusion in the
case was reached. The evidence went to show that the negro had roomed at the Holmes boarding house before, and, indeed, had occupied the bed in which Mrs. Suddith was sleeping. The defense sought to establish the innocence of the negro by showing that he got into the bed not knowing that it was occupied by anyone else, and on the whole made a very good case of it, but the Justice did not seem to feel like deciding finally as to the defendant's guilt or innocence, and so bound him over to the district court in the sum of $1000.  The State's witnesses contradicted each other very badly, and there is but little probability of a jury finding a verdict of guilty on the charge.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Denison, Texas
Sunday, September 15, 1889
pg 4

The prophesy made by the Gazetteer two weeks ago to the effect that the negro Buck Henderson, bound over for criminal assault on Mrs. Suddith, of Greenville, in this city would be turned loose when the case came to trial, was verified Thursday in his discharge from jail the grand jury having failed to find a bill against him.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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