Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Saturday Chronicle
April 29, 1922

Denison, April 27, - What was believed to be an old grudge between 2 prominent Grayson county farmers, terminated in the death of John J. McCoy, farmer about 45 years old, living about 5 miles southeast of Denison, near Bona, and the arrest of Milas H. Hearod, farmer, about 50 years old, who lives near the Iron Ore bridge.  Hearod is in the city jail charged with murder.
McCoy, stabbed and slashed in the throat, back, in many places on the breast, abdomen and arms, was rushed to the Denison City Hospital in an ambulance within 2 hours after the conflict at Iron Ore bridge at about noon yesterday.  He died this morning at 7 o'clock.
Hearod is suffering from wounds on the head.  He was arrested at his home last  night at 8 o'clock by Homer West, Walter Truett and John Roberts, deputy constables.  He came peacefully.  He refused to make a statement.
Hearod was sitting on a cross-tie near the Iron Ore Bridge, talking to his father-in-law, it was understood when McCoy approached him and kicked him in the jaw, it was reported.  Hearod, it was said, was whittling with a pocket knife when he was attacked.

The Waco News-Tribune
Waco, Texas
April 29, 1922 Saturday
pg 7

20 Knife Wounds Are Found on Man's Body

By the Associated Press
DENISON - Miles H. Hearod, 50, a farmer accused of the murder of John McCoy, 45, also a farmer, in a fight in which 20 wounds were inflicted upon McCoy, was today bound over to the grand jury. He was released on bond.

Sherman Daily Democrat
Sherman, Texas
Monday, September 18, 1922
pg 2

W. M. Harrod, farmer, of southwest of Denison, was acquitted upon an instructed verdict in the Fifteenth District Court Monday, of a charge of murder. Insufficient evidence to sustain the charge of murder was the reason for the instructed verdict.
The charge against Harrod grew out of the death of Jack McCoy, neighbor farmer in the neighborhood where Harrod lives, who died in Denison in April, two days after an altercation between himself and Harrod, which took place on the M.K.&T. trestle over Iron Ore southeast of Denison. Testimony adducted at the trial Monday showed the defendant cut McCoy with
a knife after McCoy had come up to Harrod, sitting on the trestle, kicked him in the head, and twice hit him with rocks. The men had previously had a difference, testimony showed.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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