Grayson County TXGenWeb

Ft. Worth Daily Gazette
Friday, August 22, 1890
pg. 7

A Handsome and Intelligent Printer Gets Off Wrong
Special to the Gazette
Sherman, Tex., Aug. 21 - Walter G. Glafcke was brought before Judge Muse to-day on a habeas corpus hearing on 10 charges of forgery and passing on application of bond which was fixed at the preliminary trial in Denison at $1000.  The application was refused and the prisoner remanded into the custody of the sheriff.  The prisoner is a printer, 21 years of age, handsome and intelligent.  He got off wrong in Denison, forged checks and passed them.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 3, 1891
pg. 4

Friday - The young man Glafcke, the journeyman printer who had been in jail at Sherman several months on a charge of forgery, is out on bond and was in Denison this evening.

The Galveston Daily News
Friday, May 1, 1891
pg. 1

Promptly Acquitted Him
Sherman, Tex., April 30 - Walter Glafcke was to-day admitted to bail in the sum of $1100.   He is charged with forgery.

Ft. Worth Gazette
Thursday, October 22, 1891
pg. 6

The Charge Against the City Editor of the Denison Journal, a Bright Young Man of Good Family
Special to tthe Gazette
Denison, Grayson County, Texas., October 21, -  A neat piece of forgery was done in the city last night which came to light this morning.  The forger is a young man who has an indictment hanging over his head at present for the same offense and is under a $1500 bond awaiting trial.  This smooth artist is Walter F. [sic] Glafcke, for the last few months a resident  of this city, but formerly of Cheyenne, Wyoming, where his parents, who are very highly respected, reside.
In July 1890,  Glafcke was employed as a sub in the composing room of the Herald of this city.  He successfully forged several checks and passed them without trouble to different merchants and then skipped by the light of the moon.  He  was captured, brought back and bound over under bond, which after 6 months confinement in the county jail was furnished.  After being released he worked at Sherman a short time and early in the summer came to Denison to act as city editor of the Journal.  He was bright enough and made many friends and assisted materially in building up the paper. His trial was set for November, and with that staring him in the face, he no doubt thought it as well to take a desperate chance. Last night he presented 6 forged checks for $14 each, purported to be signed by C.W. Chapman of the Journal.  They were cashed, and Glafcke quietly disappeared before any of the forgeries were detected. The police are diligently searching the country, but this evening had gained no clew [sic] to his whereabouts.  Glafcke is about 31 years of age, tall and of good address.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, October 25, 1891
pg. 4

Walter G. Glafcke, the printer who forged the name of the Herald Publishing Company last December to a number of checks, but who was subsequently arrested and released on bond, is again in the same kind of trouble.  Mr. Glafcke's father is a prominent newspaper man of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and on hearing of his son's escapade here sent money to redeem the checks.  Through much importuning the young man was given as much leniency as the law would allow, and his case was to be called for final hearing during this term of the district court at Sherman.
Early in the summer this young man was released on bond and worked in the printing offices at Sherman, frequently doing manuscript work for the various courts.  Two months ago he returned to Denison and for the past 6 weeks has been filling the position of city reporter for the Evening Journal.
Tuesday evening, while under the influence of whisky, he signed the name of C.W. Chapman to 7 checks, all ranging in a mount from $1 to $14, and during the night 6 of them were cashed.  Mr. Louis Libbe secured one, T.W. Dollarhide, Frank Brunett, Burckel & Bengel and I. Yeidel 1 each.
Tuesday morning, between 7 and 8 o'clock Glafcke stepped in at the U.S. Clothing House and cashed another, the 7th, making something near $100 in all.
Since that time nothing whatever has been seen or heard of him, although a thorough search of the city has been made and numerous telegrams have been sent to neighboring cities.  The Journal states that it has evidence that he is hiding in the city.
Saturday Morning: - Deputy Chief of Police Henry Hackney returned last night from Dallas, where he had been with the hope of capturing Glafcke.
Thursday morning he called at the newspaper establishment of Messrs. Scarff & O'Connor and passed a $10 check.  The gentlemen were familiar with such tricks and called Denison over the telephone and inquired concerning the financial standing of the young gentleman, but as the check was endorsed by a Dallas man, a relative of C.W. Chapman, of the Journal, it was cashed before the receipt of the answer.  The officers here immediately instructed the Dallas officers to arrest Glafcke if possible.  Gene Andrews was sent down to Dallas on the afternoon train Thursday and Officer Hackney followed on the New Special. The day Friday was spent in a thorough search of the city but the young man could not be found, and the officers returned home Friday night.
It is thought by many that Glafcke is not responsible for his wrong doing on account of mental derangement, but the facts connected with the forgery last winter, also those of Monday, do not bear out that conclusion.

Ft. Worth Gazette
Saturday, November 21, 1891
pg. 7

Forgery Cases at Sherman
Special to the Gazette
Sherman, Grayson County, Tex., Nov. 20 - The forgery cases, 12 in number, against Walter Glafcke, were called to-day and the bonds forfeited. Glafcke committed the crimes inDenison by forging checks on the Herald.  He was in jail here 6 months, and after getting out on bond skipped the bond.

Ft. Worth Gazette
Wednesday, February 24, 1892
pg. 5

Special to the 
Big Springs, Howard County, Tex., Feb. 23 - Sheriff Birdwell arrested W.G. Glafcke here to-day on request of the sheriff of Grayson county. He is wanted at Sherman for forgery.  Glafcke has been here but a short while and was living under an assumed name.

Brenham Daily Banner
Friday, February 26, 1892
pg. 1

Sheriff Bradwell arrested W.G. Glafcke, at Big Springs Tuesday on request of the sheriff of Grayson county.  He is wanted at Sherman for forgery.  Glafcke has been here but a short while, and was living under an assumed name.

Ft. Worth Gazette
Friday, February 26, 1892
pg. 5

Wanted For Forgery
Sheriff McAfee, of Grayson county, came in last evening from Big Springs, having in charge Walter G. Glafcke, wanted in Sherman for forgery. Glafcke jumped his bond in December and has eluded the officers ever since, but was located at Big Springs through correspondence with a female.  Sheriff McAfee is an earnest and determined worker, and generally succeeds inlanding his game. He recently returned from Indiana, where he caught a man wanted in his county for forgery. He will leave to-day for Sherman with his prisoner.

Ft. Worth Gazette
Saturday, February 27, 1892
pg. 2

Many Charges to Answer
Special to the Gazette
Sherman, Grayson County, Texas., Feb. 26 - Walter Glafcke, the alleged forger, arrived from Ft. Worth to-day in charge of the sheriff, and is behind the jail bars.
Nothwithstanding there are about 30 counts against the young man, he expresses faint hopes of escaping many of them, which he believes unjust.  His escapades since jumping his bond were eventful, having traveled considerable and lived in a dugout in the great west until a herd of cattle stampeded by prairie fires ran him out.  His alias was Walter Morgan.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, February 28, 1892
pg. 1

Crime; Love, Intrigue and Capture - Marriage Deferred

Chaper III
On Tuesday of this week word from Big Springs, Howard county, Texas, that Walter Glasfcke, the forger, had been arrested, and that he would be held subject to the authorities of Grayson county.  Sheriff McAfee immediately forwarded capias to Sheriff J.D. Birdwell, of Howard county, and Thursday, in company with an officer, the young man arrived at Sherman from the west and was placed in the $95,000 jail.
The exploits of young Glafcke are fresh in the minds of the people of Denison, and a recapitulation only is now necessary. Glatcke came to Denison something near 2 years ago and obtained employment as a compositor on the evening Herald.  At the end of the second or third month he issued and passed a number of checks, each of which was made payable to bearer and signed "Herald Publishing Co."  He made no special endeavor to get away, and the second day his arrest was affected. The young man's parents, residing in Cheyenne, Wyoming, were informed of their son's crookedness, and in a short time a check was received in the city covering the amount of the forgeries.  Glafcke was admitted to bail, and 2 sessions of the district court passed with out a trial. In the meantime Glatcke obtained employment at Sherman, and later returned to Denison. He did outside newspaper work for a season, and then accepted a regular position as city reporter on the evening Journal.   In this capacity he did vigorous Bohemian service.
The past was soon forgotten by the Denison business public, and one evening early last fall he experienced no trouble in having 10 or 12 checks calling for from $ 14 to $54 each cashed.
While here he had met and loved a Miss Sallie Southerland, a maid at the Thompson  house.
On the evening of November 5, 1891, a lad called at the Denison office of the Dallas News and left the following ad, with instruction that it appear in the following Sunday edition of the News:
"W---I still care for you and will be true in all.  S."
In a few weeks the same boy called and left another short note of the same character with the same instruction. This correspondence was kept up until 2 or 3 weeks since, when the last note came in, which read as follows:
"W---Everything all right.  You had better address mail to sister, street and number.  Hurry up and get located.  I am anxious.  S."
An abundance of material is on hand to write a long and highly interesting story - too long for the columns of a newspaper - and the Gazetteer will deal with the affair only as a matter of news, leaving the romance for that class of literature devoted to such subjects.
It was known to the officers here that Glatcke and Miss Sallie Southerland were lovers, and it was also known that they were keeping up an occasional correspondence.  The "personal" columns of the Dallas News were watched closely, and each paper containing a mysteriously worded "personal" beginning with the letter W and ending with S. was filed away for reference. The postal authorities here were notified.  A detective was employed and put to work. Mr. Randell, the state's attorney for Denison, prosecuted the case with zeal, but used utmost discretion. Last week the lady received a newspaper through the Denison post office, and in opening it the wrapper was carelessly thrown down on the floor.  On the inside of the wrapper was a label on which was printed "Howard County News."  This furnished the last link in the chain of circumstances leading up to the arrest, and now the young lady will have to bide her time.

The Galveston Daily News
Wednesday, March 2, 1892
pg. 6

Denison, Tex., Feb. 28 - Walter Glafcke, the young newspaper man arrested at Big Springs a few days since charged with forgery committed in this city last fall, was given a hearing in Justice Hughes' court this morning.  He was held as charged on 22 counts.  Bond was fixed at $200 on each count, making $4400, in default of which he was remanded to the county jail. 

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, March 6, 1892
pg. 4

Monday - Walter Glafcke was brought over from Sherman this morning.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, April 10, 1892
pg. 4

Eighteen Years in the "Pen."
Walter Glafcke, the young printer and amateur journalist, who worked the "check racket" so nicely in this city on 2 different occasions was given a trial in Sherman Thursday.  The verdict of the jury was "guilty" with the penalty of 18 years in the penitentiary. 
The forgeries of Glafcke, his escape, and the rather sensational, not to say romantic, facts leading up to his arrest are of such recent date and so well known to Gazetteer readers that a rehearsal is not at all necessary.
After sentence had been passed and Glafcke, in company with the turnkey, was leaving the district court room he tackled the reporter of the Sherman Register for a cigarette, and in answer to the question, " How do you feel?" said: "Oh, about as well as a man could after getting 18 years," and then added: "Pretty heavy work for $75, isn't it?"

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 15, 1892
pg. 1, 4

Mr. J.B. Wallace, deputy state penitentiary agent, arrived in Sherman Monday and took Walter Glafcke, the forger, and 3 other prisoners to the Rusk penitentiary.

The Sherman papers state that Walter Glafcke, the lover and forger, left on Monday in company with a state officer, for Rusk.  He will be absent several years.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, July 30, 1893
pg. 1

The governor has written to County Attorney Maxey for a statement of facts in the Glafcke forgery case.  Walter Glafcke, is the printer who was sent to the penitentiary last year for a number of forgeries committed in this city.  His father, who is chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Wyoming, and an editor and citizen of influence, is endeavoring to get a pardon for his wayward son. Mr. Maxey will comply with the request.

Walter Glafcke lived at 207 W. Owings, Denison, Texas in 1896; he was a stenographer for C.E. Barrell. (Denison City Directory, 1896, pg.185)

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday,  January 19, 1896
pg. 3

Tuesday, January 14, 1896 - Walter Glafcke and Miss Sallie Sutherland were married by Judge Pearson last night.

The Daily Ardmoreite
Sunday, September 13, 1896
pg. 5

White Flyer
By reference to another part of this paper you will find a  good sized display ad. for W.G. Glafcke, agent for the Barney White Flyer bicycle.  This is one of the few recognized standard high grade wheels of the country, and parties desirous of purchasing could do no better than to call of Mr. Glafcke.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, November 29, 1896
pg. 4

Wednesday, November 25, 1896 -  The Daily Ardmoreite announces the birth of twins to our old townsman, James Cathey.  Jim has a host of friends in Denison who will unite with the Gazetteer in congratulations.  The same paper also announces a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Glafcke.

The Daily Ardmoreite
Monday, December 7, 1896
pg. 3

Died - This afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, Victorine, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glafcke

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, February 7, 1897
pg. 4

Walter Glafcke, agent for the Remington typewriter, was here this week

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, October 10, 1897
pg. 2

Monday, October 4, '97 - Glafcke, who forged several checks, was reported to have been seen in Paul's Valley, I.T. Sunday.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, October 17, 1897
pg. 2

When a man turns out to be a rogue how they glorify him.  For instance the following:
"It is said that Glafcke has contributed a number of bright and interesting articles to leading magazines and periodicals.  He made a splendid newspaper correspondent."
Glafcke never contributed to a magazine in his life, neither was he "a splendid newspaper correspondent."  He was a voluminous liar, and his literary pretensions consisted in Quixotic triumphs.  He was never a reporter on the Denison Herald as alleged.  He is not even a dangerous crook, who never stoops to petty forgery and thieving.  He was captured twice without much trouble.  He is a cunning knave, that should be placed under restraint.  We do not believe that he is  morally responsible for his acts, and there is a place for such characters - behind the prison bars. There is no doubt that he will soon reach the end of the tether, for he is ablundering scamp.  He should have been captured before he left Denison.
He was here 24 hours, and seen by a number of persons after his escapade.  He has a young wife here with whom he will soon or later communicate, and that will be the officer's opportunity.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, November 7, 1897

Monday, November 1, '97 - Walter Glafcke, the check forger, is  reported in Oklahoma, and is said to have been several times during the fortnight at the towns of Warren and Kingfisher.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, December 12, 1897
pg. 3

Sheriff Hughes or a deputy will leave Monday for Springfield, Missouri, after Walter Glafcke, wanted for forgery.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, January 2, 1898
pg. 4

December 31, 1897 - Walter Glafcke has arrived at the Sherman jail. His next transfer will probably be to the pen.

The Daily Ardmoreite
Wednesday, March 2, 1898
pg. 2

Glafcke Has Gone
Walter Glafcke, convicted and given 2 years for passing a forged instrument, was taken to Ft. Worth last week and turned over to the authorities there.
It is understood that there were several similar charges lodged against him there only awaiting the result of his trial in this county.  - - -  Sherman Register

Texas Convict and Conduct Register
Huntsville, Walker Co., Texas

20 May 1898

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, June 4, 1899
pg. 3

Tuesday, May 30  - Mark L . Goodwin, who visited the state penitentiary with the investigating committee not long ago saw Walger Glafcke who is holding down a clerkship.  He also saw Tom O'Brien, who attends to the hospital department, and has a soft birth of it.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, December 24, 1899

Walter Glafcke is in the city.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, July 21, 1901
pag. 4

Walter C. Glafcke, wife and little girl came up from Denton last Saturday.  Glafcke is foreman of a job office in Denton.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, August 16, 1903
pg. 4

Editor Glafcke of the Madill News was here Sunday on an interesting occasion.  His wife had presented him with a fine boy.

Walter Glafcke and wife lived at 219 W. Morgan, Denison, Texas in 1905. (Denison City Director7, 1905, pg.66)

Walter Glafcke, printer, and wife lived at 2314 Eddy, Cheyenne, Wyoming in 1907. (Cheyenne, Wyoming Directory, 1907)

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, March 1, 1908
pg. 4

Walter Glafcke left for Oklahoma the past week where he expects to engage in the newspaper business.

Elaine Nall Bay

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