Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Galveston Daily News
Galveston, Texas
Thursday October 20, 1887
pg 1

A Well Known and Prominent Farmer and Hay-Dealer Arrested on a Serious Charge

Sherman, Tex., October 19 - A charge was made yesterday by George W. Brawley, a young farmer and hay harvester,
against John W. Fields, one of the wealthiest and oldest citizens of Grayson County.  The first complaint alleged that on or about Sept. 7, 1886, John W. Fields committed incest with his daughter, Josie Fields, aged 14.  The second charge alleged that the same crime was committed Sept. 11, 1887. The man against whom these two charges were filed was arrested at the home of his son-in-law, J.D. Hall, eight miles southeast of the city by Constable Wright this morning. He was taken before Justice Henekle this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and his bond placed at $3,000 in the two cases, which holds him to appear before the justice court of Sherman to answer in a preliminary examination next Friday.
Mr. Field has been a citizen of Grayson county for the past thirty years, and he has become generally known as one of the heaviest hay dealers in the southwest. His wealth is estimated from $75,000 to $100,000. The fact that he is pretty well known has caused the matter to become general street talk.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
Fort Worth, Texas
Tuesday October 25, 1887
pg 2

The Trial of John W. Fields at Sherman Resumed.

Special to the Gazette
Sherman, Tex., Oct. 24 -  The famous case of John W. Fields, a citizen of this county, charged with the horrible crime of
incest with his daughter, the preliminary trial which began on Friday last, was resumed to-day in Justice Kinkle's court.
A number of witnesses were examined and the case was continued till Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. John W. Fields is almost fifty years of age, is one of the leading farmers of the county and is the owner of about $100,000 worth of real estate. His wife has been dead for some time and his daughter who is about fifteen years of age and who was educated in the colleges in this city lives with him at his home on his farm, where the crime is charged to have been committed. The evidence introduced by the prosecution thus far is very damaging to the defendant, while that introduced for the defense has a strong tendency to exonerate the accused. The case is watched with a great deal of interest, and during its investigation the courthouse is crowded to overflowing with visitors.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette
Fort Worth, Texas
Sunday October 30, 1887
pg 3

J. W. Fields Exonerated

Special to the Gazette
Sherman, Tex., Oct 29. - The famous case in which J. W. Fields, one of the leading and wealthiest farmers in this county
was charged with the horrible crime of incest with his daughter, fifteen years of age, which had been on preliminary trial
before Justice Hinkle in this city for several days past, was concluded to-day, resulting in a discharge of the defendant.
The case has caused a great deal of excitement in this city and county, and while the prosecuting witnesses swore positively against the defendant, the evidence of the two family physicians exonerated him, hence his acquittal.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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