Grayson County TXGenWeb

Harry Fairless
Convicted of Introducing stolen property and assisting prisoners to escape, more than once.
from the first jail break
Courier Gazette

Fri, Jan 10, 1908

...Hary Fairless, who escaped, was in jail under a two-year sentence for horse theft. Fairless is very tall and thin, 5 feet 10 inches high, light complected, blue eyes. Light hair and clean shaven.

1st escape tells about his crime from Tarrant Co.

2nd  escape from the Sherman Jail with several others.

An Article from the Fort Worth Record & Register
Fri Apr 3, 1908 is a list of  men Sentenced to Prison.
Prisoners in Grayson County Given Terms for Various Crimes.

Harry Fairless, white, convicted of assisting prisoners to escaped, two years.
He entered the Grayson County jail after a sentence for horse theft, also two years was given.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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