
Alvin Exum

Murdered Leldon Taylor, 3 Mar 1929

The Whitewright Sun
Thur. March 7, 1929

At Van Alstyne.- Alvin Exum is being sought by officers in connection with the shooting of Leldon Taylor, 18, about 4 o'clock Sunday morning at the Exum residence in Southeast Van Alstyne. Taylor was taken to Wilson N Jones Hospital at Sherman, where he was said to be in a serious condition Monday noon. Examination revealed that a shotgun charge struck him in the lower right part of the abdomen.
According to the story told officers by alleged witnesses of the shooting, a group of young men had been gambling at the Exum residence. As the party was leaving the house a man stepped to the door and called the name of a member of the party, other than Taylor, and fired in the direction from which he heard the answer. The youth whose name was called had won practically all of the money in the game, it was said. Taylor, the witness said, had not taken part in the game.
In the darkness, one member of the group slipped away and reached a telephone on which he called City Marshall W L Echols and informed him of the shooting. The man who fired the shot is said to have held his gun on the group for some time after the shooting , preventing them from going to Taylor's assistance.
When Mr Echols arrived at the scene a search was made for Exum, but he could not be found.
Exum was employed in a domino hall here and Taylor, son of Mr and Mrs Will Taylor of Van Alstyne, was operator of a motion picture machine in a local theater.
It is understood that a group assembled at the Exum residence between 11 and 12 o'clock Saturday night.
Five of those present at the time of the shooting pleaded guilty in the city court here Sunday morning when they were arraigned on charges of gambling. They paid fines of $8.29 each, according to Mayor J M McLemore, who presides over the city court. A sixth member of the party is charged with gambling, but had not appeared late Monday morning to answer the charge.

Brownwood Bulletin
Wed Mar 13, 1929
Murder Charge Filed by Jury in Sherman Case

Sherman, Tex., March 13-
An Hour before Alvin Exum was placed in the county jail here yesterday, after being returned from Duncan, Okla., by a deputy sheriff, an indictment charging him with murder in connection with the fatal shooting of Lelden Taylor at Van Alstyne, March 3, was returned to the grand jury.
Exum was also indicted on charges of selling intoxicating liquor.
Taylor was shot near Exum's residence early in the morning as a group of men were leaving the house after a game at which Taylor had been a onlooker, witnesses told the county attorney.

The Whitewright Sun,
Thur, March 14, 1929

Exum Capture in Oklahoma Tuesday
Sherman -An hour before Alvin Exum was placed in the county jail Wednesday, after being returned from Duncan, Okla., by a deputy  sheriff, an indictment charging him with murder in connection with the fatal shooting of Leldon Taylor at Van Alstyne, March 3, was returned by a grand jury.
Exum also was indicated on charges of selling intoxicating liquor.
Taylor was shot near Exum's residence early in the morning as a group of men were leaving the house after a game at which Taylor had been an onlooker, witnesses told the county attorney.

Denton Record-Chronicle
Thur Jun 27, 1929

Man Changes Plea and is sentenced in slaying case.
Sherman , Jun 27-Changing his plea form not guilty to guilty Alvin Exum was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary yesterday for murdering Leldon Taylor of Van Alstyne. Exum changed his plea after four witnesses had testified in his trial.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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