Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, November 15, 1885
Monday night a difficulty occurred between W.B. Moran, a conductor on the north end of the Mo. Pac., and J.H. Evans, a former brakeman on Moran's train, about some train matter.  Evans cursed Moran, and, stepping back, drew a six-shooter and fired, the ball striking Moran in the head, making a scalp wound.  Evans was captured and placed under
a $500 bond by Recorder Nevins.

The Galveston Daily News
Friday, November 13, 1885
pg. 2

Special to The News
Sherman, November 12 - In the District Court today...John H. Evans, charged with assault with intent to kill, at Denison, was also incarcerated in default of $1000 bond.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, October 3, 1886
pg. 4
Railroad Rumblings
Conductor Will Moran, of the Missouri Pacific, Mineola branch, was laid up with the dengue the fore part of the week.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, November 21, 1886
pg. 5

Railroad Rumblings
Jos. W. Carter, passenger conductor on the Mineola division of the Missouri Pacific, went over to Sherman Tuesday as a State witness in the J.H. Evans and Wm. Moran shooting case.
J.H. Evans, who shot at Wm. Moran in Geo. Braun's saloon, in this city, on the 9th of November, 1883, was given two years by the jury at Sherman, Tuesday last.  Evans and Moran had been freight conductors, but were breaking extra for Joseph W. Garter, on the Missouri Pacific at the time the shooting occurred.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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