September 4, 1873
pg. 4
We learn
from a party from across the river,
that Bud Easter killed an old man
named Malone, at Chas. Kingsburg's
place, 7 or 8 miles from Colbert's
ferry, Monday. Malone and
Easter had had some difficulty, and
it is supposed both parties were
eager for the other's blood. Easter
got the drop first, and discharged
both barrels of a double barrel shot
gun at his enemy, killing him almost
Subsequently he shot another man
through the arm who he thought was
going to inform upon
him. Easter used to live
in this county, on Iron Ore, and we
believe Malone was working
Kingsburg's farm. The murderer
is still at large, and we have not
heard of any attempt being made to
arrest. him.