Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Courier-Gazette
McKinney, Texas
Saturday, June 28, 1941
pg 2

Funeral For Mrs. Driver At
Prosper Baptist Church

Native Collin County Woman Dies in Denison; Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Sauls of Prosper.

The funeral of Mrs. Glena Faye Sauls Driver, who died at Denison Thursday afternoon following a shooting in a Denison
Cafe, took place at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Services were conducted at the Baptist Church at Prosper, of which
Mrs. Driver was an active member, interment following in the Mt. Olive Cemetery. Rev. Bolin officiated. The Crouch
Funeral Home of McKinney had charge of the burial.
Mrs. Driver was born in Collin County and spent most of her life in this county, but recently she had been living in Sherman. Following the shooting in Denison her husband, Melvin Driver, aged 23, was taken into custody. The body was brought to McKinney Thursday  night.
Mrs. Driver, whose maiden name was Miss Glena Faye Sauls, was born June 24, 1922, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. O.
Sauls of Prosper. She is survived by her parents, two sisters, Otha Sauls and Mrs. Geneva Robinson, both of Prosper and
one brother, Willie D. Sauls, who is in the Army, stationed at Brownwood.
The Sauls family is well known in Northwest Collin County, where they have resided for many years.

The Celina Record
Celina, Texas
Thursday, July 3, 1941
pg 1

Former Prosper Girl Dead
Husband Held to Grand Jury

Melvin Driver, 23, is held in the Grayson county jail in connection with the death of Driver's wife, shot to death in a
Denison cafe last Thursday. The wounded woman was rushed to a Denison hospital but was dead when it was reached. At the conclusion of an examining trial in Justice court at Denison Driver was ordered held without bond pending action by the
grand jury.
Driver, and his wife, said to have been married only a few months ago, walked into the Carl Thomas cafe in Denison,
ordered soft drinks and the shooting followed. Five shots are said to have been fired, after which Driver laid a 25-calibre
pistol on the table of the booth and waited at the counter for officers to arrive.
Driver pleaded not guilty. He said he had engaged an attorney to draw up divorce papers and was attempting to get his
to sign a waiver when a dispute arose.
Mrs. Driver, 19, was born at Prosper, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sauls of Prosper, and was buried there. The
couple lived in Sherman.

The Denison Press
Denison, Texas
Saturday, July 19, 1941
pg 1

Sherman, Texas, July 19 - Sheriff P. M. Porter, announced today the arrest of three of the 19 persons against whom indictments were returned by the fifteenth district grand jury this week.
Melvin Driver of Sherman was charged with the pistol-murder of his wife in a Denison cafe on June 26 and was also ordered held without bond.

The Whitewright Sun
Whitewright, Texas
Thursday, March 12, 1942
pg 3


Criminal cases to be tried during the March term of fifty-ninth district court, which opens Monday, include six capital cases.
Melvin Driver will be tried Monday, April 6, in the pistol slaying of his wife, the former Glenda Faye Driver, in a Denison
cafe last summer. A jury hearing this case last autumn was unable to agree and a special venire of 200 men is asked.

The Whitewright Sun
Whitewright, Texas
Thursday April 16, 1942
pg 4

Acquitted in Slaying,
Youth Seeks to Enlist

Sherman - Melvin Driver, Sherman cafe employee, made good his promise to a Fifty-Ninth District Court jury that he
would enlist in the United States Army if acquitted of the murder charge by asking the Sherman draft board to change his classification to permit him to volunteer.
Driver was acquitted by a jury last week of a charge of murder of his wife, the former Glenda Faye Sauls, in a Denison cafe last June 26. Since the shooting, Driver had been classified in 4-F with the Sherman draft board, as not available for service because of the indictment. The board has placed him in Class I and called him for physical examination. Mrs. Driver was
shot as she and her husband sat in a Denison cafe discussing their
marital quarrels.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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