Grayson County TXGenWeb

Dallas Morning News
November 21, 1933
pg. 2

Surviving Sister takes Money that Caused Murder From Hiding
Special to The News

Denison, Texas, Nov. 20 - As final mass was said Monday morning for Miss Antonia Bachman, 49, in St. Patrick's Church here, officers of Grayson County headed by Sheriff J. Benton Davis and assisted by many citizens were combing the wooded districts of the Red River Valley in search of two men against whom Sheriff Davis has filed murder charges.
Antonia and Miss Lepoldine Bachman, Russians, farmed and prospered on their estate twelve miles northwest of Denison.
Miss Antonia was murdered Saturday evening when a charge from a twelve gauge shotgun tore away part of her face.  The home was ransacked but no money was found.  The sister was plowing in a field when she heard the shot.  Running to the home she called neighbors and officers who began the search as an ambulance from Denison hurried the wounded woman to a Sherman hospital where she died later.
Money the victim and her sister had concealed in a trunk behind a picture and in a clock was blamed for the murder.  The money, undisturbed and covered with dust, was taken from its hiding place by the younger sister after protecting officers arrived.
Sheriff Davis filed charges of murder and attempted robbery Monday afternoon against Bill Buchanan and John McCoy, offering $50 reward for their arrest.  Buchanan worked on farms in the Georgetown neighborhood where the murder took place, leaving several weeks ago for Oklahoma, returning with McCoy last week.
The pair slept in a barn near the women's home and Saturday morning borrowed a twelve-gauge single-barrel shotgun from a neighbor, saying they were going duck hunting.  They did not come back and the gun and bed clothing they borrowed have not been returned.
It was generally understood the women kept money in the house as they paid cash for their work.  Buchanan had worked the farm for them during threshing time.  Their parents died on the farm five years ago, leaving the sisters a comfortable estate.

The Whitewright Sun
Whitewright, Texas
Thursday, November 23, 1933
pg 1


Denison - As final mass was said Monday morning for Miss Antonia Bachman, 49, in St. Patrick's Church here, officers of Grayson County headed by Sheriff J. Benton Davis and assisted by many citizens were combing the wooded districts of the Red River Valley in search of two men against whom Sheriff Davis has filed murder charges. Antonia and Miss Lepoldine Bachman, Russians, farmed and prospered on their estate twelve miles northwest of Denison.
Miss Antonia was murdered Saturday evening when a charge from a twelve gauge shotgun tore away part of her face. The home was ransacked but no money was found. The sister was plowing in a field when she heard the shot. Running to the home she called neighbors and officers who began the search as an ambulance from Denison hurried the wounded woman to a Sherman hospital where she died later.
Money the victim and her sister had concealed in a trunk, behind a picture and in a clock was blamed for the brutal murder. The money, undisturbed and covered with dust, was taken from its hiding place by the younger sister after protecting officers arrived.
Sheriff Davis filed charges of murder and attempted robbery Monday afternoon against Bill Buchanan and John McCoy, offering $50 reward for their arrest. Buchanan worked on farms in the Georgetown neighborhood where
the murder took place, leaving several weeks ago for Oklahoma, returning with McCoy last week.

The pair slept in a barn near the women's home and Saturday morning borrowed a twelve-gauge single-barrel shotgun from a neighbor saying they were going duck hunting. They did not come back and the gun and the bed clothing they borrowed have not been returned.
It was generally understood the women kept money in the house as they paid cash for their work. Buchanan had worked the farm during threshing time. Their parents died on the farm five years ago, leaving the sisters a comfortable estate.

Men Are Captured
Denison. - Bill Buchanan and John McCoy, charged with the murder Saturday of Miss Antonia Bachman, northeast of Denison, were captured Wednesday afternoon by Sheriff J. B. Davis of Grayson County and two Bryan County, Okla. deputies in Southern Oklahoma, four  miles west of the new highway bridge over Red River. The men who were charged with murder and attempted robbery were picking cotton on a farm when the officers caught them.
Working on a tip received Wednesday, Officers Shipp, Jesse and Barnhill left Denison for the wooded district of Red River and trailed the men toward the place where other officers captured them. Immediately after the capture Sheriff Davis paid a  $50 reward to a party that gave the tip.

The Eagle
Bryan, Texas
Thursday, November 23, 1933
pg 1

Alleged Killers of Miss Bachman Make Statements

Denison, Nov. 23 - Bart Shipp, chief deputy said today that Bill Buchanan and John McCoy, arrested in Oklahoma yesterday charged with the slaying last Saturday of Miss Antonia Bachman, made statements admitting the slaying.

The Waco News-Tribune
Waco, Texas
Wednesday, November 29, 1933
pg 12

Held Without Bond
Two Plead Not Guilty At Sherman to Murder Charges

Sherman, Nov. 28. - (AP) - Bill Buchanan and Johnnie McCoy pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and attempt
to rob today at their examining trials before W. S. Buster, justice of the peace, in connection with the slaying of Miss Antonia Bachman near Pottsboro Nov. 18. They were ordered held in the county jail without bond pending action of the grand jury.

The Brownsville Herald
Brownsville, Texas
Tuesday, December 5, 1933
pg 1

Slaying Trial Set
Sherman, Dec. 5 - John McCoy will go to trial here Dec. 11 for the slaying of Miss Antonia Bachman, Russian recluse, at her farm home near Pottsboro.
Trial for Bill Buchanan, indicted with McCoy by the 59th district court grand jury yesterday, was set for Dec. 13. Both men are held without bond.

Miami Daily News-Record
December 12, 1933

Sherman, Tex., Dec. 12 - (AP) - J.H. McCoy of Jay, Oklahoma, today was sentenced to 99 years' imprisonment for the slaying of Miss Antonia Bachman, Russian recluse, at her home near Pottsboro last November.
McCoy was rushed to Dallas at once although no mob violence was feared nor any demonstration made.

The Abilene Morning News
Abilene, Texas
Friday, December 15, 1933
pg 3


Sentence Assessed in Death of Recluse

By the Associated Press
Sherman, Dec. 14 - The state completed prosecution of suspects in the slaying of Miss Antonia Bachman, Russian recluse, at her home near Pottsboro last month when a jury today sentenced H. R. Buchanan to 99 years' imprisonment.
A jury two days ago sentenced J. M. McCoy to a similar term and Bud Russell, agent of the state penitentiary at Huntsville, planned to leave at once with Buchanan, stopping in Dallas long enough to pick up McCoy, who was taken to the county jail there for safekeeping immediately after the jury decided his fate.
Miss Leopoldine Bachman, Miss Antonia's sister, told investigators she was in a field near their home when she heard a shot from the direction of the house. When she hurried in, she found her sister wounded and there were indications that the house had been ransacked.
Buchanan and McCoy were arrested several day later just across the Red River in Oklahoma, and were brought here, and charged with murder and attempted robbery. Both made statements, one telling how Miss Bachman was fatally wounded.

Miami Daily News-Record
December 13, 1933

Sherman, Tex., Dec. 13 - (AP) - The trial of Bill Buchanan, charged jointly with J.H. McCoy with murder for the killing of Miss Antonia Bachman, Russian recluse, was set to begin here today.
McCoy, given a 99-year sentence yesterday after he pleaded guilty, was rushed to Dallas last night for safekeeping.
Miss Bachman who lived near Pottsboro in the Georgetown community with her sister, Leopoldine, was wounded fatally while her sister was working in a field.  The sister returned and found her dying.  The house had been looted.

Denton Record-Chronicle
Denton, Texas
Friday, December 15, 1933

Two Plead Guilty on Murder Charge

Sherman, Dec. 15 - (UP) - Two men who pleaded guilty to murder indictments charging them with the slaying of Miss Antonio Bachman, today were on their way to the state penitentiary to begin serving 99 year sentences.
A jury yesterday rendered the sentence against H. H. Buchanan. Last Tuesday J. H. McCoy, who admitted shooting the Russian farm woman, was given a like term.
Miss Bachman, 42. was shot at her home near Pottsboro last month in what the state described as a robbery
The next two article parts come from an article that appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Wed Oct 15, 1947. It was an article about two criminals and different paragraphs were scattered about each of them.
 "One Grayson 'Lifer' free after serving 12 years?

This Conditional Pardon was cancelled and he returned to Prison and died in 1946 See his death

certificate info below. 

Convict information below

Convict Record, Texas State Penitentiary, 1875 - 1945
at Huntsville, Walker County, Texas
Registered No.
H. H. Buchanan
6' 1"
Weight 180
Lt Chest
Marks on Person
No Church  Shoe #9
I dia ct sc inner wrist: Tats
new h d inner fa other: Tats
II Tats - Sts Billy Stili vine ta
Dent sc rt kneecap
Marital Relations
Use of Tobacco
Able to Read
Able to Write
No. Years in School
Date of Birth
Birthplace of Father
Birthplace of Mother
Time of Conviction
Term of Imprisonment
99 years
Sherman, Tex
When Received
Expiration of Sentence
Remarks 11-13-46 Died

Convict Record, Texas State Penitentiary, 1875 - 1945
at Huntsville, Walker County, Texas
Registered No. 74995
Name J. H. McCoy
Age 36
Height 5' 8 1/2"
Weight 140
Complexion Fair
Eyes Lt Bro
Hair Lt Bro
Marks on Person No Church Shoe #8
I Blawl
II Circ ct sc inner wrist
III Sore scs rt chest
Marital Relations Div
Use of Tobacco Yes
Habits In Temp
Education Com
Able to Read Yes
Able to Write
No. Years in School 8
Date of Birth 1897
Birthplace Mo
Birthplace of Father Nebr
Birthplace of Mother
Occupation Hospital Att'd
Time of Conviction 12-12-33
Offense Murder
Term of Imprisonment 99 Years
County Grayson
Residence Matewan, W.Va.
Plea Yes
When Received 12-15-33
Expiration of Sentence 9-12-2032
Ex-Service B
Remarks Disc 2-27-35

Part of this information from:

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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