Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
Friday, December 17, 1918

Lee Adcock, a well known mule buyer of this city and a member of the firm of Adcock & Holland, was shot and killed by Monroe Bryant at the latter's home here last Saturday morning about 4 o'clock.  One shot fired from a revolver at close proximity entered his left breast, piercing the lower part of the heart or the main artery, causing almost instant death.
Mrs. Bryant was at the time visiting her mother at Wichita Falls and it is stated there was no one at the home except the principals in the tragedy.  After the shooting Bryant stepped to the telephone and called Dr. Sears.  His father, the city marshal and W.F. Holland were also notified.
J ustiec of the Peace Pennell of Tom Bean was called and held an inquest, after which the body of Adcock was removed to the Truett undertaking establishment, where it was prepared for burial.  Bryant was taken to Sherman by Deputy Sheriff Bart Shipp Saturday  morning, where he waived an examining trial and gave bond to away the action of the grand jury.
Mr. Adcock is survived by 5 children, ages from 8 to 15 years, whose mother is also dead.  Warner Adcock, a brother of the dead man, lived with the family at the old Prigmore place in East Whitewright, to which they recently moved. The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Epting and Rev. Fender.

The Denison Herald
Wednesday, June 4, 1919
 pg. 3

Verdict of Acquittal
Monroe Bryant, a well known druggist of Whitewright, was acquitted in the 15th district court Tuesday in an instructed verdict given by Judge Hare to the jury of the murder of Lee Adcock at Bryant's home in the night of December 21, 1918.  Motion for an instructed verdict on the grounds of insufficient evidence were made by Wood, Jones & Hassell, attorneys for the defendant, following the instruction of the State's testimony.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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