Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sunday Gazetteer
Denison, Texas
Sunday, August 16, 1885
pg 1

The Case of W. B. Boss who is Charged with Rape.
Admitted to Bail in the Sum of Seven Thousand Dollars.

Mr. W. B. Boss, ex-Mayor of Denison, and a member of the present city council, was arrested Thursday, charged with
the heinous crime of rape. Nothing that has ever happened in the community, created so profound a sensation. The
high social and business standing of the accused, and the fact that he has heretofore borne a reputation unsullied gave additional prominence to the case. Mr. Boss was arrested Thursday by Officer Mixon, and placed under $2,000 bond. Public opinion has been divided; while a great many of our people think that Mr. Boss may have erred, they cannot believe that he is guilty of the crime charged.
The case was called for trial in Justice Adams' court Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, but was postponed until 1:30, the defense not being ready. Stillwell H. Russell, G. G. Randell, D. O. Hause and S. S. Fears are defendant's counsel, while County Attorney Randell and Standifer and Moseley are conducting the case for the state.
At 1:30 the court convened in the city hall, the better to accommodate the public who desired to hear the testimony. The proceedings opened with the reading of the indictment, as follow:
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, Joseph Huber, who being by me duly sworn, on oath states that W. B. Boss, a man in the county of Grayson and State of Texas, on the 28th day of July, A. D., 1885, unlawfully, felonious and forcibly in and upon the person of one Minnie Huber, a woman, did make an assault on her, the said Minnie Huber, then and there without her consent, unlawfully, felonious and by force did rape, ravish and carnally known against the peace and dignity of the state.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the 15th day of August, A. D. 1885.
C. B. Randell,
County Attorney, Grayson Co.

Colonel Russell informed the court that the defense waived examination and was ready to give bond. The Colonel
explained his reason for doing this to be the fact that the court had no power under the law to discharge defendant, and consequently to consume time in a preliminary examination was useless.
Mr. C. B. Randell, as representative of the state, asked the court to enter an order to hold the defendant without bail, the charge being a capital offense. This lead to a lengthy discussion which was participated in by all the attorneys. The court finally decided that he could not fix the bail without hearing the evidence, and directed the state to introduce their testimony. The defense took exception to this, unless it was to arrive at the amount of bail. The court ruled that it was not alone to fix the amount but to decide whether it was a bailable case, and explained that if he took the evidence of the state he should in reality open the case and proceed with the examination. Finally the defense withdrew the waiver, and the court so entered it on the docket, notwithstanding the prosecution insisted it was not admissible in law. After a little delay, the attorneys got together and held a short parley, when Mr. C. B. Randell informed the court that if he saw fit to grant bail the state was willing to accept a bond of $7,000. The judge then fixed the bond at that sum for the appearance of defendant before the district court, the second Tuesday in September, and the court adjourned.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Denison, Texas
Sunday, August 23, 1885
pg 1

The Sherman Evening News paid County Attorney Randell, a splendid compliment for his action in the Boss case . . .

The Sunday Gazetteer
Denison, Texas
Sunday, September 6, 1885
pg 1


It is report that Mr. W. B. Boss will leave Denison after his trouble is decided by the Sherman Court. . .

The Sunday Gazetteer
Denison, Texas
Sunday, September 27, 1885
pg 11

A number of persons went to Sherman Friday to be examined before the grand jury in the W. B. Boss case.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Denison, Texas
Sunday, December 6, 1885
pg 1

The Boss Case
The case of W.B. Boss, charged with rape upon the person of Mrs. Huber, wife of a former employee of the Lone Star mills, was tried in Sherman the past week.  The case, owing to the eminent respectability of the defendant, and his heretofore irreproachable character, excited wide-spread interest.  The best legal talent in the county was employed to defend the accused.  But very few, if any, believed Mr. Boss guilty of the crime charged.  It was thought that he might have been indiscreet, but the facts developed in the case have wiped out even that impression.  Mr. W.B. Boss stands before the world vindicated in public opinion.  The verdict of the jury, "not guilty," is a happy conclusion of a trial that must have been very harrowing to a man occupy in the position that Mr. Boss does in the community.

The Sunday Gazetteer
Denison, Texas
Sunday, December 6, 1885
pg 6

A large number of our citizens went over to Sherman to attend the W. B. Boss trial . . .
D. O. Hause and Col. Stillwell H. Russell counsel for W. B. Boss, are in Sherman . .

W. B. Boss was acquitted of the charge of rape . . .
The jury in the Boss case was out only ten minutes . . Dr. Trollinger, of Whitesboro, who has been attending the Boss trial, passed through the city enroute for home . . .

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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