Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denton Record-Chronicle
Denton, Texas
Thursday April 7, 1932
pg. 4

Woman Is Held After Man Shot

Sherman, April 7 - (AP) - Grover Bell, 36, was in a critical condition at a Sherman hospital today after being shot in the abdomen last night. Physicians said he had a chance to recover.
A complaint was filed in justice court charging Mrs. Pearl Bennett with assault with intent to murder for the shooting. She was arrested.
Bell has a wife and several children living here. He served some years ago as a deputy to the sheriff at Preston. Until recently he was employed at a Sherman filling station.

The Marshall News Messenger
Marshall, Texas
Sunday, April 10, 1932
pg 7

Sherman, Tex., April 9 (UP) - Grover Bell, 36, former deputy sheriff who was shot through the abdomen in an apartment here Friday, was in a serious condition at the Wilson Jones Hospital today.
Assault to murder charges have been filed against Mrs. Pearl Bennett, formerly of Waco. Though seriously wounded Bell stumbled several blocks to his own apartment and his wife called physicians.

The Celina Record
Celina, Texas
Thursday, April 14, 1932
pg. 1

Mrs. Pearl Bennet was admitted to bail in Sherman Tuesday in a sum of $1700 on charges of assault to murder and carrying a pistol in connection with the shooting of Grover Bell Thursday night of last week.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, April 21, 1932
pg. 5

Charge Woman in Death of Man at Sherman
SHERMAN - A murder charge was filed in the Justice Court of Jap N. Phillips Wednesday against Mrs. Pearl Bennett, following the death of former Deputy Sheriff Grover Bell, 38, who died late Tuesday from a pistol shot wound.  He was shot on the night of April 7.
Mrs. Bennett has been out on a bond since the shooting charged with assault to murder. She was again released Wednesday afternoon on a bond of $2,500. Bell's body was buried at Dripping Springs Wednesday afternoon.  He is survived by his wife and two sons and two daughters.

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins

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