![]() Fort Worth Daily
Fort Worth, Texas Tuesday August 27, 1889 pg 6 A CLEVER CAPTURE Two Expert Workers Caught with Stolen Goods in Their Possession Special to the Gazette. Denison, Tex., Aug. 26 - About 3 o'clock Sunday night the panel in the rear door of the Green Flag store was cut out and the key turned in the lock, unlocking the door and giving entrance into the storeroom to two men. They went about their work after gaining entrance in a systematic manner. First, each of them selected a fine valise and proceeded to fill them with a choice selection of shirts, underwear, handkerchiefs, socks, shoes and clothing, amounting to about one hundred and fifty dollars. After securing what they wanted they went out of the store and started up the alley. Officers Hackney and Lawrence were in the alley, and the fact of two strangers carrying a valise at that time of night aroused Hackney's suspicions and he decided to arrest them. When just in the rear of Eupers' the officers overhauled the men, and they were somewhat surprised when they turned to see who commanded "hands up" to look down the barrels of a pair of pistols. The officers questioned the men and they told a tale that was too thin and both parties were placed under arrest. An examination of their valise gave the whole thing away, and it was discovered later that the goods belonged to the Green Flag store. The prisoners were put in jail. They gave the name of Henry Stacey and Reuben Arlington, and both claim to hail from Kansas City. Stacey is a railroad man and his partner is a tailor and cook. They said they came in from Gainesville yesterday. The Sunday Gazetteer Denison, Texas Sunday, September 1, 1889 pg 1 BAGGING THE BURGLARS Monday morning about 3 o'clock Deputy Marshal Hackney and night Watchman Lawrence, were stationed in the alley in rear of Tom Boldrick's Shoe Store, looking out for certain uncanny goings on, concerning which they had been given pointers, when their attention was suddenly attracted by two men making their way rapidly up the alley, each carrying a large valise. It dawned upon the officers very quickly that the team had been up to mischief, and they decided quite as quickly to find out what that mischief was. When the men came opposite therefore they threw their guns down on them and gave the order to throw up hands. The men claimed to be just coming up from the train, but they might as well have saved themselves the trouble of a statement, for, while they are lying, the officers were moving them along to the rear of Cutler's Saloon, into which they were shoved a minute later at the point of the gun. Then their baggage was gone through, and enough clothing, caps and notions, pulled from the two valises to stock a small sized retail business. The men were marched unresistingly over to the calaboose and locked up. When the Green Flag Store opened up Monday morning it was found that the place had been visited recently by burglars, and quite a lot of goods taken. The thieves had effected an entrance by cutting out one of the wooden panels of the rear door, and through this aperture, unlocking the door from the inside, a means by which Gazetteer readers will recollect several stores have been broken into in Denison during the past six months. The proprietor at once notified Mr. Hackney of his loss, and was somewhat surprised to be introduced to his goods, which were all readily recognizable by the cost-mark. When shown the parties who did the stealing Mr. Brisker recognized them as a couple of men who had bought a shirt at his store Sunday morning. This capture is a notable one, and leaves the city deeply indebted to the alert officers who effected it. The burglars appeared Wednesday before Justice Cook and having waived examination were bound over in the sum of $1000each. They give their names as Ruben Arlington and Harry Stacey. Convict Record, Texas State Penitentiary, 1875 - 1945 at Rusk, Cherokee County, Texas
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