Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Marshall Messenger
Wednesday, October 18, 1911
pg 1


Mrs. Allen Claims He Threatened Her Life
Reported by Associated Press.
Pottsboro, Oct. 18 - Mrs Minnie Lee Allen shot her husband, Charles Allen, four times, seriously wounding him Tuesday night. She says he threatened her life, and feared he would carry out the threat.

Daily Advocate
Victoria, Texas
Thursday, October 19, 1911
pg 1

North Texas Woman Shot Husband.
Sherman, Texas, Oct. 18. - At Pottsboro, 12 miles northwest of Sherman, last night, Mrs. Minnie Lee Allen shot her husband, Charles Allen four times with a 38-caliber revolver, seriously wounding him. She says he had threatened her life and she thought he was going to put the threat into execution.  She was arrested and gave bond in the sum of $500, many citizens signing the bond. Allen is a railroad man and they have been married 13 years and have three little girls. They are natives of Hill County and their relatives live in that county. The had resided in Pottsboro only two months.

The Snyder Signal
Snyder, Texas
Friday, October 20, 1911
pg 4

Wife Shoots Husband.
Pottsboro, Texas, Oct. 18 - Mrs. Minnie Lee Allen last night shot and seriously wounded her husband at their home in this city. Four bullets lodged in different parts of Allen's body and his recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Allen claims that her husband threatened to kill her and she feared that he would carry out his threat.

Shreveport, Louisiana
Tuesday, October 24, 1911
pg 2

Does Mrs. Charles Allen, Badly Wounding Him

Mrs. Minnie Lee Allen shot and seriously wounded Charles Allen, her husband, at Pottsboro, Tex., twelve miles south of Sherman. Mrs. Allen shot four times, using a revolver, all the bullets taking effect. She stated that Allen had threatened her life and fear that he would carry out threats drove her to shoot him.
Mrs. Allen was arrested and her bond placed at $500. It was signed by a number of citizens. Allen is a railroad man. The  Allens have been married thirteen years and they have three children.

Wichita Daily Times
Sunday, December 17, 1911
pg 1

By United Press
Sherman, Texas, Dec. 16 - On the night of October 25, 1911, Charles Allen was shot and wounded and his wife, Maudie Lee Allen, was arrested, charged with the crime. Allen died October 28th.  She did not deny the shooting, but stated Allen had threatened her life, and was trying to carry out the threat. Allen made a dying statement to County Attorney Cal. T. Freeman, duly signed and acknowledged, declaring his wife shot him, first while he slept, and the other shots while he was trying to take the pistol away from her.
He was shot five times. The grand jury met in Sherman this week and investigated the matter. It developed that Allen had served five years in the pen from Hill county for shooting at his wife and was intensely jealous of her. He had been out about three years. He was a railroad man. After examining about half of the citizens of Pottsboro, the grand jury voted no bill, and each member of the grand jury "chipped in" a dollar and gave it to Mrs. Allen who is a fine looking woman of thirty.

The Waxahachie Daily Light
Saturday, January 6, 1912
pg 4


Lawyers and Laymen are Agitated by This Question Following Celebrated Trials of Women Killers

Austin, Texas, Jan. 6 -  "What's the matter with Texas' criminal jurisprudence?" is agitating lawyers and laymen, who wish to know specifically if it is possible to convict a woman in this state who has killed either a man or a woman. It is charged openly that Texas must have a new deal in administering its criminal law. During the year just closed several women who have killed persons have gone scott-free.
The latest instance is that of Mrs. Maude Lee Allen of Pottsboro, a village near Sherman, who has just been turned free by the grand jury which voted "no bill" after she had spent two hours in the jury room, and gave her a purse of $12.
On the night of October 25th neighbors heard shots in the Allen home. Charles Allen, the husband, was found with five bullets in his stomach and one in his chest. Three days later he died in a sanitarium at Sherman, having made a post-mortem statement to Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Daniel F. Stafford that his wife fired the first shot while he was asleep and the others while he was trying to wrest the weapon from her hand. Mrs. Allen said her husband had threatened to kill her and
she shot him in self defense.
Prominent citizens of Sherman, it is said, were eager to sign her bond. Mrs. Allen is young and pretty. It developed in the investigation of the case that Allen had served a term in the penitentiary for shooting at her and that he was extremely jealous. . . .

Grayson County Law
Susan Hawkins


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