article I spotted before his murder story below.
The Dallas Daily
10 May 1881
Special to the Herald.
Sherman, May 9- Our
boy Sheriff returned from the nation
yesterday. He was compelled to return to
attend the sheriff's convention at Houston. He
will not only be the youngest sheriff there
but is probably the youngest man that was ever
elected to the office in the United States. He
cannot, for good reasons, make known anything
in regard to the chase of the murderers of
Dallas Hodges.
District court is
hearing motions and passing sentences to-day.
Out of thirty-six jurors summoned only ten
could put in an appearance.
On 8 Jul 1881
Deputy Sheriff Reuben Coleman
Deputy Sheriff
Reuben Coleman was shot and killed when trying
to take a suspect in custody. The suspect was
wanted in the murder of Grayson County
Constable Dallas Hodges (precinct 7), who was
murdered two months before. I found the
article below, Babe Hodges, brother of Dallas
Hodges was mortally wounded during this event.

The Galveston Daily,
Sunday July 10, 1881
Sherman ; Killing of Deputy Sheriff
[Special Telegram to The News]
Sherman, July 9.- Deputy Sheriff R D Coleman
of this county, was killed in Indian
Territory, yesterday, by some murderers. He,
in company with seven others had gone to
arrest the parties who shot and killed
Constable Dallas Hodges, of this county, about
two months since. They were in a house, and
when found the posse divided, four going on on
a side. There were six of the desperadoes.
They all walked out on one side firing as they
came, one shot striking Coleman in the head,
killing him instantly. Babe Hodges, a brother
of the murdered constable, was mortally
wounded. Coleman leaves a wife and three small
the murderers escaped unhurt.
St Louis Globe-Democrat
12 Jul 1881
A bout for Blood.
Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat.
Denison, Tex., July 11- Particulars of a
terrible tragedy in Arbuckle Mountains, in the
Indian Territory, were brought to this city
today. Some time since a desperado shot and
killed three men, two of whom were brothers.
Deputy Sheriff Coleman, of this county, and
Babe Hodges, a brother of the murdered man,
have been on the trail of the murderer. Coming
up on them last Thursday a fight ensued
between the pursued and the pursuers,
resulting in the death of Deputy Sheriff
Coleman and seriously wounding Babe Hodges
after a terrible struggle. The murderers
St Joseph News-Press
Wednesday 13 Jul 1881
A double Murder,
Denison, Tex., July 13- News reached here
yesterday of a shooting affair that occurred
in Arbuckle mountains, Indian Territory.
Deputy Sheriff Coleman, at Grayson, Tex., and
Babe Hodges, following three murderers, came
up on them and attempted to arrest them. A
fight ensued in which Coleman, was killed and
Hodges received a ball in the head that will
undoubtedly prove fatal.
The murderers escaped and are still at large.
