Grayson County TXGenWeb

Land Records

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, October 18, 1951

The State of Texas
The County of Grayson

By the virtue of an execution issued out of the 15th Judicial District Court of Grayson County, Texas, on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 25th day of June, 1951, in favor of R.L. Hall and against Wilburn Carr in the case of R.L. Hall, plaintiff, against Wilburn Carr, defendant, No.58637 in such Court, I did on the 28th day of September, 1951, at 4 o'clock p.m., levy upon the following described tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Grayson, State of Texas, as the property of said Wilburn Carr, to-wit:
Being 64 acres out of the C.A. Carpenter Survey, a stake in the bed of Everheart's Spring Branch;
Thece North 1007 varas to the northeast corner of a 65 acre tract of land deeded by James King to J.T. Hicks;
Thence South 89 degrees West 365-1/2 varas to the northeast corner of a 35 acre tract sold to Judge Carr by K.D. Kidd by deed recorded in Volume 183, page 209 of the Deed Records of Grayson County, Texas:
Thence South 12 West 764 varas with the East line of said 35 acre tract to stake in the bed of said Everheart's Spring Branch;
Thence up said branch with its meanders in a Southeasterly direction to the place of beginning, and being the same land conveyed by K.D. Kidd and wife to J.W. Bailey by deed recorded in Volume 295, page 329, Deed Records of Grayson County, Texas.
This property is located near Whitewright, Grayson County, Texas and is generally known as part of the Judge Carr place.  On the 6th day of November 1951, being the first Tuesday of said month, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 4:00 o'clock p.m. on said day, at the Court House door, I will offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash, all the right, title and interest of the said Wilburn Carr in and to said property.
Dated at Sherman, Texas, this 2nd day of October 1951.
G.W. Blanton, Sheriff, Grayson County, Texas
By H.C. McElroy, Deputy


Elaine Nall Bay
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