Grayson County TXGenWeb

Land Records

Grayson County Deed Records
Vol. 39/pg. 170

State of Texas
County of Grayson

Know all men by these presents that we M.G. Taylor, I.B. Taylor in consideration of the sum of Eleven hundred and twenty four & 00/00 of which 621.35 is in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and the balance evidenced by two promissory note both signed by T.R. Taylor one of them payable to M.G. Taylor for 181.22 and due December 27, 18-- both bearing interest from date at rate of ten per cent per annum to secure which a vendor's lien is hereby retained have granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said T.R. Taylor our interest in the following described tracts of land all situated in said State and County and in a survey in the name of Harmon Winn

1st tract described as follows:
Being part of 100 acres mentioned in Book F page 155 of Grayson County Records
Beginning at the S.W. corner of said 100 acres and being 440 vrs W from the SE corner of the Winn Survey.  Thence N with the West line of said 100 acres 608 vrs to the bed of Shannon Creek.  Thence down said creek with its meanders until it crosses the E line of the Winn Surveyat the mouth of a branch.  Thence up said branch up said creek where it crosses the South line of the Winns Survey.Thence West with said line with said South line 360 vrs to the place of beginning containing 24-1/2 acres more or less.

2nd tract described as follows:
Beginning at the NW corner of Henry B. Taylor's survey of 45 acres at a stake from which a gray ash marked "A" bears240 E 3-1/2 vrs.  Thence East 503 vrs to the NE corner of Taylor's survey.  Thence N with the said East line to Shannon's creek.  Then with the creek where the West line of 120 acres survey crossed said creek.  Thence S with said line to the beginning containing 43-3/4 acres.

3rd tract described as follows:
Beginning at 420-1/2 vrs N from the SW corner of said Winns original survey a post from which a forked pecan marked "x" & bears N 48 degrees E 2 vrs.  Thence East 503 - to a post from which a Spanish oak marked "x"  N 49 West .  Thence N for enough to include half of the A.D. Moore tract of land or 45 acres by running West straight angles to the West line of said A.D. Moore's 90 acre Survey.  Thence S to the beginning containing 45 acres.

To have and to hold said above described tracts of land unto him the said T.R. Taylor, his heirs and assigns forever, together with all and singular the rights members hereditments and appurtances to said bargained tracts belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining And we the said M.G. Taylor and J.B. Taylor hereby bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the interest herein conveyed in the above tracts against all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by through or under us
Witness our hands this 1st day of February 1878

M.G. Taylor
J.B. Taylor

Before me S S Fears a notary public personally came M.G. Taylor - J.B. Taylor to me known and acknowledged they sign and delivered the foregoing Deed for the purpose and consideration therein expressed.
Given under my hand and official seal on this the 1st day of February 1878.
S S Fears
Not Pub

Filed Feb. 2nd 1878 at 2 p.m.
Recorded Feb 27th 1878
G.A. Dickerman, Clerk


Elaine Nall Bay
Grayson County CC