Grayson County TXGenWeb
Anna Miller Bassett

Mrs. Bassett was born in New York City on May 1, 1913. In 1918, she came to Whitewright, Texas on a train with 20 other children under the sponsorship of the Children's Aid Society, for the purpose of finding families to adopt them. The unique adoption method, known as "Orphan Trains" was promoted by the Children's Aid Society for 75 years and responsible for placing over 100,000 New York children in homes throughout the United States, mostly in farm-dwelling communities where the futures would be brighter. Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pennington, a prosperous farm couple without children, in Whitewright, Texas adopted her. Mrs. Bassett has always been proud of her unique adoption experiences and has recently completed writing a book describing her life and experiences. The book, entitled, "THE LITTLE GIRL LOVED AND WANTED" resulted in her being featured as a guest "story teller" at the George West, Texas annual storyfest. Also, she was invited in 1993 to share her experiences at the annual meeting of the Orphan Train Heritage Society of America.

Mrs. Bassett is a graduate of Whitewright High School and attended East Texas Normal College where she met and married Floyd Bassett on September 11, 1932.

Sherman Democrat

September 10, 1993


Whitewright woman reflects upon childhood experiences
by Margo Smith
Sherman Democrat Staff Writer

WHITEWRIGHT - Those were the days when Whitewright had seven grocers, two cotton gins, three drug stores, two banks and two train depots - the Katy and the Cotton Belt.

"When the train stopped in Whitewright, there were 21 little faces anxiously looking out the windows." said Anna Bassett of Whitewright.

For 75 years, approximately 150,000 orphaned, abandoned, homeless children and a few poor families were brought to the South and Midwest in hopes of finding a fresh start. This era from 1854 to 1929 was known as the Orphans Trains Era.

In 1918 and again in 1920 an Orphan Train stopped in Whitewright, bringing children ready for adoption and eager for a new life.

"I think I was taken to the orphanage by a relative when I was three - I have never wanted to know more," said Mrs. Bassett, who has no brothers or sisters.

"The orphanage I lived at was in New York City. I was well treated ... I remember a room with 25 or 30 little white, iron beds, we each had a locker ... I stayed there a while and then moved upstairs to another room with half-beds for everyone," said Mrs. Bassett.

The orphanage was sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church, and weekly visits to a "beautiful cathedral with stained glass windows and pipe organ music," are strong memories for Mrs. Bassett.

"The last Christmas before leaving for Texas, we all hung stockings on the foot of our beds and waited for Santa. I got some fruit and a celluloid doll ... that doll came on the Orphan Train with me," said Mrs. Bassett.

There were two sponsors, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Peterson, who rode with 21 children from New York. "All I know about them is that they came down the Hudson River on a ship to Grand Central Station to ride the train with us."

Mrs. Bassett said she does not know how many days the journey took that cold January in 1918, and doesn't remember any stops except the stop at Katy depot in Whitewright.

There were several children, younger than Mrs. Bassett was, and at least one set of twins, 2-years-old.

"We were taught manners and were well disciplined," Mrs. Bassett said. "Of course, with that many children, you have to have discipline = yes, I had excellent manners by the time I got to Texas."

"The first night was spent in the Smith Hotel next to the Katy depot," Mrs. Bassett said. "We each had our own suitcase with a few changes of clothes and our belongings. Early the next morning, we were up and dressed, hoping to meet our new parents. We went to the city hall, where there were quite a few people gathered to see us.

"There was one man I noticed with a twinkle in his eye and big smile on his face. He kept looking at me. I wasn't shy, so soon I was talking and dancing for Mr. J.R. Pennington. Pretty soon he said he had to go get his wife who hadn't been able to come that morning.

"No, I wasn't worried about not finding parents, there were several who showed an interest in me that day."

After Mrs. Pennington saw little Miss Anna Miller, the Penningtons went home to think about what adopting a child would mean to their lives.

The Penningtons were nearly 50 and childless, but evidently, they decided Anna was the daughter for them. Mr. Pennington was a "land dealer."

"It seemed a little voice was whispering to them 'please be my mother and father,'" Mrs. Bassett said.

The next morning, they returned to the city hall to talk with Anna's sponsor, and that afternoon, the Penningtons proudly escorted their new 5-year-old brown haired and brown eyed, dancing and singing daughter to their home in Whitewright.

"I was never spanked. It never dawned on me they might send me back. I just always felt I was special."

"Some people who are adopted want to go back and dig things up, but I have always been so happy and comfortable ... you can understand why I never wanted to go back."

Mrs. Bassett attended high school in Whitewright and began college at East Texas State University. But as a freshman in 1932, she met Floyd Bassett, a senior and "fell madly in love, and that was the end of college."

Mr. Bassett died in 1983.

The Bassetts have three children: Beverly Herrera who lives in Columbus, Ohio; Dixie Bassett of Sherman and Jim Bassett of Corpus Christi.

Mrs. Bassett, who now lives in her childhood home, said she is writing her life story for her children, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

"After I developed this arthritic condition in my hands, I got to where I couldn't play the piano. But, I never was a quitter, so I decided I'd learn to paint," said Mrs. Bassett.

Mrs. Bassett's home is decorated with the results of those late-found artistic abilities.

Recently, the few remaining Orphan Train veterans had a reunion in Granberry.

"I had wondered where I learned to sing and dance and at the reunion there was a woman who had been in the same dormitory with me. She was older and remembered that those of us who showed some ability were taken to music lessons once a week."

"I have always felt I was special because Dick and Jenny Pennington adopted me. I only hope I was.

All Aboard: Orphan Train Riders (Lake

Elaine Nall Bay

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