Grayson County TXGenWeb I was allowed to borrow the original from the Sherman Public Library.
1893 - 1894 Sherman Denison
City Directory
This includes a general county directory
A City directory is priceless !
It can contain information on where someone works and lives.
Whether a woman is a widow or not and you can find info on
Churches, fraternal organizations, street descriptions etc.
It had been rebound and as a result some pages were 'shortened' in the crease, this means that some edges of the printing were obscured but most of it you can read.
Also many tears were in the book and tape to try to hold it together. It was very brittle, as a result I did not press too hard to keep it from further damage.
This city directory belonged to someone who 'corrected various entries'
Book Definitions are ;
add = addition
advt = advertisement
agri = agricultural
al = alley
ast = assistant
bds = boards
bkpr = bookkeeper
bdg = building
blk = black
bt = between
(c) = colored
carp = carpenter
clk = clerk
Co = company
condtr= conductor
cor = corner
del = delivery
dept = department
dist= district
div = division
E = east
engr = engineer
es - east sideexp = express
frt = freight
genl = general
h = home
H.& T.C. = Houston & Texas Central Railway
hdqrs = headquarters
lab = laborer
mrht = merchant
mrdse = merchandise
mfg = manufacturer
mkr = maker
M.K. & T. = Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway
N = north
ne = northeast
nr = near
ns = north side
nw = northwest
opp = opposite
pass = passenger
P.O. = Postoffice
prest = presidentpropr = proprietor
proprs = proprietess
r = residence
Rev. = Reverend
rms = rooms
rpr = repairer
R.R. = Railroad
S = south
se = southeast
secy = secretary
slsmn = salesman
ss = southside
st = street
supt = superintendant
sw = southwest
tel = telegraph
tkt = ticket
trav = traveling
treas = treasurer
w = west
(wid) = widow
wks = works
ws = west side
yd = yard
The first part of the book is the Denison Directory part,
to go directly to the Sherman part.Click HereTo go to the County Wide listings Click Here
"Press of MacGown & Cooke; Chattanooga, Tenn."