Grayson County TXGenWeb 


Denison Police Officer
Joseph E Johnson
18 Sep 1853 - 30 Oct 1879
Killed in the Line of Duty

Apparently he is not in a marked grave.
Read about his murder & Coroners Report
Denison Daily News

Saturday November 1, 1879

Funeral of Police Officer Joseph E. Johnson
The funeral of the murdered officer, Joseph E. Johnson, took place Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, from the residence of deceased on Crawford street, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, was largely attended. The procession left the residence in the following order:
First, Denison Artillery company, followed by the Gate City Guards, the hearse, carriages containing the relatives of the deceased, carriages with the mayor, members of the city council, city and county officials, citizens in carriages and a large number on horseback and on foot.
An impressive funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. Kone. Three rounds were fired over the grave of the departed officer by the Gate City Guards, where the earth was heaped over his last remains.
Officer Joseph E. Johnson was a native Texas. He was born in Harrison county on the 18th day of Sept., 1853. He came to this city about sixteen months ago and by his gentlemanly deportment and temperate habits soon gained the esteem and confidence of the community. On June 11th last when the present city administration came into office, Johnson was elected Police Officer, a position which he has since held and the duties of which he has discharged to the perfect satisfaction of his superiors and in a manner which elicited the respect and admiration of all. By his untimely end the city has lost an able and efficient officer, society a useful member and the writer of this, who, by reason of his position was thrown in daily contact with him, and who, during these few months that they were thus connected, had learned to love and esteem him for his many noble qualities, has lost a true and highly valued friend, whose memory will remain dear to him through life.
A few weeks ago, September 18th, deceased was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Bailey, an estimable young lady of Corsicana. With what anxiety he awaited the day which was to unite him to the being he so fervently loved; how he saved to provide a comfortable home for her; and now when he had at last reached the goal of his ambition, when he was united to her who was so dear to him, in possession of an honored position, enjoying the esteem of his superiors, his associates and of the community in which he lived, surrounded by all which makes life desirable, and in the early bloom of his manhood, to be cut down by the hand of a miserable Negro thief, is indeed sad.
To the sorrowing young wife, to the distressed sister, who in a few brief months has lost a darling husband and a dear brother, both by Negro desperadoes, under similar circumstances, to his young brother and to the other relatives, the NEWS extends its most heartfelt sympathies.


  Susan Hawkins

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