![]() Ephraim Allison 23 November 1886 - 3 April 1888 s/o J.A. & Alice Allison The Denison Press Wednesday, July 11, 1934 pg. 4 MRS. ALLISON DIES AT HOME AT HENDRIX Mrs. Alice Allison, 72, of Hendrix, Oklahoma, died at the family home, Route 1, Hendrix, Tuesday at 8:20 a.m. following a 4-month's illness. The deceased was born January 24, 1862 in Dade county, Missouri, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ephram Foust. She came to Texas when 10 years old. She was well known here, where she had been a practical nurse since the death of her husband, John A. Allison in Hendrix, December 5, 1930 [sic]. For the past 5 years she had resided with her daughter, Mrs. John Liesvasy, of Hendrix. Surviving are Mrs. Dave Stephens of Little Rock, Arkansas; Mrs. John Liesvasy of Hendrix, Oklahoma; Mrs. Nora Bigum of Ft. Worth; J.M. Foust of Denison; J.W. Foust of Denison; T.C. Foust of Denison; and 8 grandchildren. The remains were brought overland to the Short-Murray chapel where they will lie until taken to the Methodist church at Oak Ridge, east of Denison, for the funeral and interment which took place at 3:30 at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Oakridge Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |