The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, October 25, 1908 pg. 4 HOME NEWS Clarence Bolen, aged 7 years, was run over and killed last Monday afternoon by a Frisco freight train at the Montegomery street crossing...the head and legs being cut off. Fragments of the body were scattered along the track for 50 yards. A Mrs. Doreberry states that the Bolen boy and several other children, pupils of the Peabody school, were en-route home. Clarence was some distance behind and was walking on the track when the Frisco train struck him. Mrs. Doreberry saw the train strike the little boy, and a moment before the fatal accident screamed at him to get off the track. The lad is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bolen, who reside at No. 728 West Murray street. Oakridge Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |