Morris Cemetery

Tom Lively
1803 - 1869
The Texas News
(Bonham, Texas)
Saturday, February, 27, 1869
Died, near Monticello, Arkansas, August 27th, 1868 [sic], Dr. R.T. Lively in the 45th year [sic] of his age,
has again visited our family and taken from us all the one to whom we
looked for protection. Although separated from us, we look
forward with happy hearts to the time when he would come again; but
alas! we have seen that beloved face for the last time. His death
has left us orphans, indeed. Motherless and fatherless in this
world, we can only look for protection to Him who has promised not to
forget the widow and the orphan. Though earthly friends should
desert us, that God who is infinite in mercy will yet comfort and
sustain through all our troubles
Pa, thou hast gone to the grave but we will not deplore thee
Whose God was thy ransom, thy guardian and guide;
He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore thee;
Death has no sting, for the Savior has died.
- - - Mattie
Pilot Grove, January 15, 1869

Morris Cemetery

Elaine Bay
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