The Whitewright Sun Friday, April 25, 1913 pg. 2 Mrs. Melinda M. Taylor died at her home in this city Saturday night, April 19th, at 11:30 o'clock, after an illness covering a period of twelve weeks. The summons of the Grim Reaper was not unexpected by those who were constantly in attendance at the aged lady's bedside, as her condition was regarded as critical for several weeks prior to the final call of death. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Church of Christ here, after which the body was conveyed to Morris cemetery near Jameson for interment. Rev. F.L. Young, a former citizen of Whitewright and an intimate friend of the family conducted the funeral service. Mrs. Taylor was born in Tennessee February 3, 1837, but immigrated to Texas in 1853, being therefore, one of the pioneer settlers who pushed their way into the great undeveloped domain. She lived for many years in the Jameson community and after her husband's death, she moved to Whitewright where she has resided about eighteen or twenty years. Her long residence in thi section of the state gave her a wide acquaintance and many of her old neighbors who still survived gathered at the cemetery to pay an humble tribute of respect by their presence. The decedent was a member of the Christian church in which her membership dates back many years, having that abiding simple faith which exemplified a real Christian character and carried her triumphantly to her reward. Judge H.L. Davis of McKinney, John M. and Miller Davis of Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spearman of Greenville, Judge G.P. Webb of Sherman, and Ernest and Ben Shaw were among the out-of-town relatives attending the funeral. Morris Cemetery ![]() Elaine Bay © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable,
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