Daily Democrat
Monday evening, May 21, 1917 pg. 1 DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN NORTHWEST PART OF COUNTY SUNDAY P.M. Joe Morehead Shoots Wife and Self, Following Church Services. HAD BEEN SEPARATED ABOUT THREE WEEKS When Wife Refused to Make Up, He Ended the Whole Affair - Both Bodies Buried at Locust This Afternoon A double killing took place about 26 miles northwest of Sherman, off the railroad, Sunday afternoon about 1 o'clock. Joe Morehead, a well known farmer about 38 years of age, shot and instantly killed his wife, Mrs. Nettie Morehead, about 35 years old, and then killed himself. Several people, at a distance of nearly a quarter of a mile, witnessed the double tragedy. It is stated that Morehead and his wife had been separated for about three weeks, and that Saturday, and several days previous to that day, he had seen her and begged her to make up, but she refused to return to him. Sunday she attended church at the Mills Spring School house, about a mile north of Locust, and he went to the service also. After the church was over, Mrs. Morehead started to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sid Cox, about half a mile from the school house, where the meeting had been held. Those who saw Morehead approach his wife heard her ask him not to follow her, but he went along, walking slightly behind her, and others going that way hung back. When the couple had proceeded about half of the distance between the school house and the home of Mrs. Morehead's daughter, and while the two were facing and seemed to be talking earnestly, Morehead was seen to quickly draw a pistol and shoot his wife. Two bullets from a 38-calibre pistol penetrated her breast in the regions of her heart and she evidently was instantly killed. Moorehead then turned the pistol on himself and shot himself twice through the breast and once through the mouth. The parties who witnessed the shooting from a distance hurried to the scene to find both Mr. and Mrs. Morehead dead. Both had been married before, and Mrs. Morehead, who was Mrs. Nettie Fulmer before her marriage to Mr. Morehead about a year ago, had six children by her former marriage, four of whom are grown. Mr. Morehead has three children by his former marriage. Mrs. Morehead owned a good farm near where the tragedy occurred. Both were buried at the burying ground near Locust this afternoon. The Whitewright Sun Friday, May 25, 1917 pg 1 Joe Morehead Killed Wife and Himself Shortly after noon Sunday a double tragedy was enacted in the Locust community about 18 miles northwest of Denison. J.H. (Joe) Morehead, aged 34, shot and instantly killed his wife and then committed suicide. L.L. Christian, who is connected with the Peters' laundry, together with his family had gone to Morehead's Saturday evening on a visit, the mother of Joe Morehead being a cousin of Mrs. Christian. Mr. Christian returned yesterday evening and gives the following account of the tragedy: Morehead was married something over a year ago. His wife was a widow and had 6 children by her former husband. Trouble arose between the couple and they separated 2 or 3 months ago. However, they remained on speaking terms and Morehead occasionally visited the woman. They both attended church Sunday and left the house of worship together. They had preceded only about 150 yards when members of the congregation heard several shots fired in rapid succession, and some of them looked in the direction just as the tragedy was drawing to a close. Morehead had shot the woman twice through the body, killing her instantly and then turned the weapon, an automatic pistol, toward his own body and fired 3 shots in close proximity to his heart. - - - Denison Herald ![]() Cemetery Index Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |