![]() ![]() Obbie Chaney Born in Green Co., KY 1819 Died in Grayson Co, Tex. 1859 Aged 40 Yrs Francis C. Chaney 3 December 1823 - 5 November 1909 The Daily Favorite
(Bonham, Texas) April 6, 1909 GRANDMA CHANEY IS DEAD Died This Morning at 1 o'clock at Her Home in Savoy Grandma Chaney, who had been critically ill for several weeks died this morning about 1 o'clock at her home in Savoy. In her death Fannin county loses one of its oldest residents, Grandma as she is familiarly known, having lived at Savoy and Kentuckytown for the past 50 years or more. She was a good Christian woman, whose kind deeds on earth have been many, and her death will be generally regretted by all who knew her. Two sons survive her, R.C. Chaney of Sulphur and W.B. Chaney of Bennington, Oklahoma, both of whom were at her bedside when she died. Beside the two sons, Mrs. Chaney has numerous relatives throughout the county. The burial will take place this afternoon at the old family cemetery at Kentuckytown. PERSONAL Walling Biggerstaff went to Savoy this morning and from there will go to Kentuckytown to attend the funeral of Grandma Chaney. ![]() Kentuckytown Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |