![]() The Denison Press
Friday, August 25, 1944 pg. 6 START MOVEMENT TO BEAUTIFY OLD CO. CEMETERY Maintenance and beautification of the John Hendrix cemetery, located between Sherman and Denison, just east of Hwy. 75 on the Dripping Springs road, is one of the objectives of a nucleus of a committee formed by Sherman and Denison citizens, all descendants of pioneers who are buried in the cemetery. An immediate objective is to secure a re-opening of the road from Hwy. 75 to the cemetery, the grading and graveling of the road and the construction of a new bridge, this to permit access to the cemetery. One of the members of the committee is Banks Hendrix, now visiting relatives here and in Denison before going back to a Navy hospital on the west coast for another operation. He was wounded several times in action in the Pacific. About a year ago, while in the Pacific, his father, J.B. Hendrix was buried in the pioneer cemetery. Other members of the committee are Mrs. D.G. Dumas, 821 South Throckmorton; Mrs. Harry Carlat, 1401 West Walker, Denioson and Harry Jennings, Sulphur, Oklahoma. They reported that the cemetery road was deeded to the county in 1890, through County Judge John Cunningham and his successors. Grayson County was organized on the John Hendrix farm and laid out by John Hendrix, John Shannon and James Vaden. Markers at the cemetery go back as far as 1847 and among the family plots there are those of the Hendrix, Dumas and Jennings families. Maintenance of the cemetery is now largely in the hands of Harry Stephens of Denison, a descendant of the Hendrix family. Mrs. Dumas suggested a pioneer day at the old settlers picnic with some sort of an organization dedicated to preservation of pioneer landmarks and cemeteries. Hendrix Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |