![]() E.L. Andruss 1823 - 1880 The Dallas Daily Herald Tuesday, June 1, 1880 Pg. 1 Special to the Herald - Denison, May 31 - The little town of Savoy, Fannin County, which was destroyed by a cyclone on Friday night...is fifteen miles east from Sherman...Before its destruction it had fully 300 inhabitants.... THE STORM About 6:30 the news was flashed over the wires from Bells that Savoy had been blotted out by a cyclone, and that a number of people had been killed.... AFTER THE CYCLONE PASSED ...bewildered men and women rushed to and fro through the streets looking for the missing ones. The terrible agony and suspense of that night will never be know. Many were coverd under the ruins of the buildings, and were not discovered until the next morning. The most painful incident of that dreadful night was the death of E.L. Andruss and his babe. When the cyclone reached the town, he grasped the baby in his arms and started to escape from the dwelling, but in the twinkling of an eye he was swept away and found dead some distance, the child nestling at his breast - dead. His wife and five other members of the family were in the house at the time and escaped without any serious injury; a little girl was bruised on the face and head.... ![]() Greenwood Cemetery Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |