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The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, April 9, 1936
pg. 7

Work on the new gym-auditorium began last Thursday, April 2, and will be completed in about three months or 80 working days.  The Wood and Elliott Contracting Company of Sherman have the building contract.  The new gym-auditorium is a PWA project. - - -Anther Hudgins, Jr.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, August 6m 1936
pg. 1

Whitewright's new school gymnasium and auditorium has been completed and is ready for use except for a few minor details, such as stage lights.  A WPA inspector was here Wednesday to pass on the structure, and he praised it highly.
Total cost of the building, including attorney's fees, architect's fees, printing, advertising, etc. is $22,727, of which the Federal Government supplied $10,227 as an outright grant.  The City of Whitewright issued bonds in the amount of $12,500 as its part of the construction cost, these bonds having been purchased by the Works Progress Administration, and are to be retired by a 10c tax authorized by Whitewright voters last winter.
The contractors will receive $20,988 of the total, leaving $1,739 for other expenses.
Work on the building was begun April 2.
Outside dimensions of the building are 78 feet, 8 inches by 90 feet, 7-3/4 inches.  The walls, of light colored mat faced tile, tower thirty feet, with the entrance walls going up several feet higher.  The building is located southwest of the High School building, facing east.
In the east part of the building, on each side of the entry, is a room 20x29 feet-plus, at ground level.  These rooms are to be used for lunch rooms, dressing rooms or other purposes.  The room on the south of the entry has back of it a shower bath 7-1/2 feet by 11-1/2 feet, a toilet, and a large storage room.  The room on the north of the entry is backed by two large storage rooms.
Going straight through, the entry, one finds a stairway 7 feet, 10 inches wide leading to the auditorium-gymnasium floor.  On each side of this stairway is a 3-1/2 foot stairway leading to the balcony which is over the rooms described above.  The balcony, looking down upon the auditorium floor, and facing the stage in the center of the west end of the building, will seat approximately 400 persons.  Addition of portable chairs on the auditorium floor could increase the seating capacity to around 900.
The main floor of the building, for use as a basketball court and other purposes, is 45x74 feet.  Six large windows at each end give good north-and-south ventilation.  The floor is constructed of polished maple.
The stage, 14x29 feet, will be equpped wit the latest type footlights, and is large enough for any normal use.  The girls' dressing room, toilet, showers, and sixteen lockers are located south of the stage, while similar facilities for the boys are available north of the stage.  The dressing rooms may be entered from the outside and from the auditorium.

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, September 10, 1936
pg. 1

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, September 17, 1936
pg. 8

Dedication ceremonies for Whitewright's new gymnasium and auditorium, held on the High School campus Friday, drew a large attendance.
Headlining the program was a show presented under the auspices of the Denison Chamber of Commerce, consisting of 20 speciality numbers.  Music was furnished by a string band brought down by the Denisonians.  A watermelon party followed the Denison program.
The Denison Herald sent a reporter along to cover the event, and his story appearing in Saturday's Herald follows:
Denison and Whitewright joined hands Friday evening in the formal dedication of the Whitewright High School's new $22,700 gymnasium which was celebrated by a good will program under auspices of the Denison Chamber of Commerce.
A motorcade of Denisonians headed by Chamber of Commerce President, W.L. Ashburn, Jr. and Secretary Elliott McClung, joined hundreds of Whitewright citizens in an audience that overflowed the brightly illuminated campus in front of the imposing new gymnasium.
With F.M. Echols, Whitewright mayor, presiding, the program opened with dedicatory remarks by R.A. Gillett, secretary of the school board and School Superintendent H.W. Key.

Warmly welcoming the Denison visitors, Mr. Gillett launched into a review of Whitewright's school record, declaring that the community always has been interested in better education.  He recalled the old Grayson College which stood many decades ago on ground occupied by the present High School.
"The spirit of the old Grayson College, a wonderful institution during its early day, has been handed down to this hour," Mr. Gillett declared.
The board secretary explained that Whitewright schools are equal to those of larger cities in equipment and organization.  He reviewed the gymnasium movement which began a year ago to matcth PWA assistance.  He explained that the additional bonds brought no tax rate hike. He commended Mayor Echols and Superintendent Key for their incessant efforts.

Mr. Key briefly described the gymnasium, pointing to its completeness both for athletic training and contests and for use as a public auditorium.  WIth supplementary seats on the gym floor, an auditorium is created capable of accomodating 1,200 persons, he explained.
Responding to the warm greeting extended the Denison visitors, Mr. Ashburn commended Whitewright for it school achievement, describing it as a credit for a town of any size.  Mr. Ashburn said Denison is proud of its good will in all adjoining  towns and is particularly grateful for Whitewright's friendship.
With Ralph Geisenhoner as master of ceremonies, a variety program was presented by Denison entertainers as the Whitewright throng applauded its approval.  Music by a five-piece string band afforded a background for the entertainment which included dances, vocal numbers, speciality acts and other features.
Built of variegated cream tile, the gymnasium measures 78 by 90 feet over all with the gymnasium floor itself measuring 76 x 45 feet, which is ample for a regulation basketball court.

Through 20-year 4% bonds, Whitewright furnished $12,500 to match a $10,200 PWA grant.  The city bonds were sold to the PWA.
The attractive main entrance is on the east and is flanked on either side by rooms that can be used for classes or cafeteria.  The balconey on the east is fitted with permanent seats accomodating 450.
An attractive stage with floodlights and other improvements is on the west side of the gymnasium floor which makes it possible to conveniently turn the building into a large auditorium.  Shower rooms for boys and girls are on either side of the stage.
All floors are concrete except the gymnasium itself which is nicely finished with edge-grain pine.  The gravel and tar roof is bonded for 20 years.
A bronze plaque at the main entrance bears the names of city and school officials: F.M. Echols, Mayor; Guy Hamilton and R.T. Pennington, Commissioners; C.J. Meador, school board president; R.A. Gillett, secretary; W.L. Stowers, Gomer May, John L. Reeves, B.W. Newman and Cloy C. Horton, school board members; and H.W. Key, school superintendent.

Whitewright School History
Susan Hawkins
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