Grayson County TXGenWeb

We do not compare Carr-Burdette College with other schools; nor do we wish to attract your attention with the sounding brass or the tinkling cymbals of self-praise. This is not our method of advertising. We state facts in our catalogue and give you engravings only of what we really have, (though, of course, not of all we have,) and we cordially invite you to visit us and to inspect rigidly the character of our building, of our home furnishings, of our department of equipments, and of our faculty. Come and let us show you tat we really have a practically fire-proof building, not water, heat, electric lights, hot and cold baths, elegantly furnished home, thoroughly equipped departments, large and well selected library; J. B. Colt & Co.;s best stereopticon with 500 historical and scientific views; 15 kinds of gymnastic apparatus furnished by the Narragansett Machine Company and selected under the direction of Dr. Sargent of Harvard; French articulated skeleton, Olmsted's best models of the trunk, brain, eye and ear; maps, largest globe made; powerful microscope, dissecting sets; large collection of geological, zoological and conchological specimens; arithmetical and geometrical forms and solids; tellurian, lunarian, orrery; new standard make pianos, Lyon & Healy's best drums, stringed instruments, triangle, tambourine, cymbals, castanets, batons, etc; 35 of C. Hennecke's best art models, including a life size statue of Venus and five other large statues; China kiln; competent and experienced teachers, thorough course of study, play ground, orchard, garden, dairy, plenty of wholesome food well cooked, quiet sick rooms, laundry ,nurse, healthful location, perfect ventilation, and sewerage; our own private water works furnishing an inexhaustible supply of the purest artesian water from a depth of 650 feet; all this and more we will show you as premises from which you can draw your own conclusion.

We will show you the records that you may know we are enslaved by no mortgage, and we will have our banker give you a statement of our financial status. We will have our teachers show how they teach. We will give you a stereopticon talk concerning the wonderful lands that we have visited during our six years studious travel abroad. We will have our pupils read to you, play for you and sing for you in our spacious and elegantly furnished parlors. M'lle Floridini, our sweet songstress of the South, will favor you with her finest opera and her sweetest old time songs, supported by the superb tenor of Dr. S. P. Cutter, our distinguished director of music, and of whom Floridini is the renowned pupil. In short, we will give you old Kentucky hospitality flavor with a Texas welcome; and both faculty and students will contribute their best to your entertainment. This is the only way by which you can know Carr-Burdette. Send us your address now, that we may sent you catalogue and booklet containing 53 photo-engravings of the interior and exterior of our College.

Hopig that you will visit us soon, and that you will let us know promptly on what train you will arrive that we may have the College carriage at the depot to meet you, we are

Very sincerely yours,
O. A. and Mrs. O. A. Carr,
Principals Carr-Burdette College
Sherman, Texas

Carr-Burdette College History

Susan Hawkins
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Grayson County TXGenWeb