Grayson County TXGenWeb

Sherman Daily Democrat
Thursday, June 3, 1915

Graduation exercises for Carr-Burdette-Carlton colletg were held at the Central Christian church last night.  A large number of people were present to hear Dr. Frederick D, Kershner, president of Texas Christian University, who delivered the commencement address.  Dr. Kershner is a very able man and his address last night was full of good things for the young ladies who have completed the college course and also to all who had the good fortune to hear him.
Following the address Dr. Charles T. Clifton, president of Carr-Burdette-Carlton College, presented the diplomas.  Dr. Calrton also preluded the presentation with some remarks that were calculated to make a lasting impression for good on those who heard him.
Those who received diplomas were:
Miss Mildred Anderson
Miss Lucile Routh
Miss May Wilson,
each of whom had the B.L. degree conferred on them,
Miss Sadie Smith, normal music;
Miss Mildred Anderson and Miss Lucile Routh, expression seniors.

Carr-Burdette College History

Susan Hawkins
© 2024

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