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Sherman Daily Democrat
June 13, 1913
pg. 5

Interesting Program at St. Joseph's Academy Last Evening

A large crowd gathered in Academy Hall at St. Joseph's Academy on South Travis street last evening to witness the closing exercises of the instituttion.
The session just closed has been a remarkably successful one for the institution, which has been well attended, notwithstanding the fact that no class graduated at this term.
This school has a large patronage from the people who have little ones and girls whom they desire to be in a select school, and while St. Joseph's Academy is under auspices of the great Catholic Church, its patronage is not confined to that denomination by any means.
Rev. Joseph Blum, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church of this city, opened the program last evening and also delivered the medals.
He took occasion to speak kindly words for the young ladies who have just completed a hard year's work, and a word of commendation for the painstaking, tireless teachers who have been so faithful, kind and successful.
The exercises closed with the presentation of an operetta, which was highly enjoyed  by those present.  The first act represented a band of mountain children who were spending a holiday in the woods.  While in the height of their enjoyment, they were interrupted by the appearance of an old beggar woman and her children.  Some of the happy mountain children did not like the interruption, and repulsed the old woman and children.  Lalla, one of the brightest and prettiest of the picnic party, however, stopped her play and extended a cordial welcome to the visitors, ministering to their needs.  In this she was soon joined by other children, who had only acted on the impulse of the moment.
Of course the story had a pretty ending, with a special moral.  Lalla, later while gathering flowers, was lost, and then was found by a lot of fairies, who proved to have been no other than the poor old lady and her children, disguised as such on the previous occasion, and there was a splendid reunion when Lalla was rescued and returned to her home.
Miss Mildred Logan and the part of Lalla and played it in fine style, while Miss Elizabeth McConville played the Fairy Queen quite well.
The mountain girls were Lucille Clayton, Eileen Nokely, Eusebia O'Hanlon, Catherine Walcott, Pearl Cash, Lorraine Hale, Helen Cash, Mayme Rickart, Hazel Murphy, Evelyn Walsh, Ada Sommerfeldt, Lorena Cotts, Agnes Galeshaw, Mary Kelley, Marie Smith, Bessie Sheridan, Flora Harrison, Mary McCullough, Martha Henderson, Helen LaFlore, Gladys Moody, Nancy Walcott, and Annie Rickleman.
The fairies were Elizabeth McConville, Catherine Bogart, Lucille Mitchell, Margaret Holland, Ruth Loftus, Viera O'Hanlon, Maurine Lindley, Nellie Holland, Berniece Miller, Mildred Linxweiler, Alice Hallowetz, Mable Grinstead, Alice Cady, Thelma Cash, Annie Joe Sheridan, Elizabeth Wheat, Irene Mitchell and Viola Rhodes.
Preceeding the operetta, Miss Aileen Nokely delivered a short address of welcome, making all feel glad that they had come.  Following this, Misses Hazel Murphy and Elizabeth McConville on one piano and Miss Mildred Logan and Alice Galleshaw on another, presented a musical number which was highly creditable, and enjoyed by all.  Mrs. G.N. Boardman also presented a musical number, which was highly appreciated.
Others who contributed musical numbers were Misses Catherine Bogart, Elizabeth Wheat, Hazel Murphy, Gladys Moody, Lorena Cotts, Lucille Clayton, Kathleen McConville.
Miss Elizabeth McConville and Miss Mildred Logan, who filled the role of leading characters, did justice to the excellent training they have received in voice and expression.
The choruses of mountain girls and fairies were very pleasing, and the action and appearance charming.
While every number of the program was a success, the "Boating Party" chorus, led by Mrs. G.N. Boardman, could well bear repitition.
Miss Mary Nesbit, a former pupil of the Academy, contributed a vocal selection, and Miss Kathleen McConville's pleasing voice filled the hall with the beautiful selection, "Saved by a Child';' she also showed her musical progress in the rendition of Franz Liszt's Rhapsodie Hongroise.
After the final chorus, Rt. Rev. Mon. Blum presented gold medals to the following:
For perfect attendance at Sunday School, to Miss Hazel Murphy, and Master Joseph Sommerfeldt.
For excellence in Academy work - Miss Eileen Nokely.
For Application - Miss Lorena Cotts, and Miss Gladys Moody
For Conduct - Miss Lucille Clayton
For special distinction in music - Miss Lucille Clayton ad Miss Catherine Bogard.

St. Joseph's Academy History
Susan Hawkins

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