![]() Sherman Daily Democrat
Thursday August 16, 1928 St. Joseph's Academy, a select day and boarding school for girls under the direction of the Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur, conducting a fully accredited high school department and the grammar grades, will open for its fifty-first session on Thuesday, September 4. The regular school work will begin on September 6. Three new affiliated credits were received during the past year, which with three received the preceding year, all from the state department, brings the school up to a very high standard. The education imparted in this institution is thorough, practical and refined, the first aim of the sisters being to form Christian women who will "grace society with their accomplishments and edify it by their virtues, Constant solicitude is exercised to cultivate both mind and heart, to eradicate all that is faulty in character, and to develop all that is best; and this is done while allowing proper latitude to the individuality of the students." The instructors in the classical course, as well as those in instrumental music, are members of the order, many of whom have followed courses in universities of the east and north. St. Joseph's academy is affiliated with the Catholic University of Washington, D.C., and with the University of Texas. Carpenters and decorators have been busy during the summer months in refinishing the interior of the dormitory, the stairway and floors, and in building a new altar on the second floor of the building, so that when the school opens on the first Tuesday in September attention will not move to be given to unsanitary premises. Sisters who are members of St. Joseph's faculty, who have been spending a vacation in Fort Worth, will return to Sherman the current week to conduct the affairs of the school for another year. The Rev. Father Joseph G. O'Donohoe, new pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, himself a young . . . (text missing) . . . ![]() St. Joseph's Academy History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |