Evelyn or Evaline Earl
Denison Teacher
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Russell Warren wrote : Does anyone remember Miss McCoy at Central and
later McDaniel? I always remembered her whacking students on the
knuckles with a wooden ruler with a meetal strip on it. I was
always afraid of her. I heard that in the latter years someone
pushed her down the stairs and broke her arm. Shortly afterwards
she retired.
Jim Sears
wrote : Evelyn or Evaline Earl McDoy (1905 - 1992) lived at 1301 W.
Sears in the 1950s and '60s. Never married, she lived with her
widowed mother Lillit (1879 - 1961). John McCoy, Evelyn's father, was a
farmer on Ambrose Road in the early 1900s. Before that, he was
one of Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War.
Evelyn (or Evaline) was one of four children. Her middle
name, which I doubt she revealed to many, was Earl. My family
lived across the street from her from 1959-64. She was a quiet
neighbor. My recollection si that she didn't come out of her
house much, but I was young and not paying close attention.
Lewis Flores wrote : I had her in grade school; she was a trip. I
remember her always looking old lady chic, with her hair in a bun, and
always talking about her trips to Mexico, primarily Mexico City.
She always talked about coupons, pronounced it differently than I
had ever heard it.
Leah Stanphill Strong
wrote : Mrs. McCoy: I didn't have her at Central, but like everyone
else, was intimidated by her. Then in Junior High, she was one of
my teachers, and I thought she was really good!