![]() Sherman Daily Courier Monday evening, May 21, 1917 pg. 1 ENTERTAIN SENIORS Probably one of the most enjoyable entertainments given for the Senior Class of Kidd-Key college was the splendid automobile ride given on last Friday morning through the courtesy of the Sherman Chamber of Commerce, with J. Clyde Jones chairman of the committee of arrangements. About 30 guests were included in the party and the route for the ride included the Pottsboro and Preston Bend communities and return by way of Denison, where they were entertained by J.W. Madden in the delightful restroom of his big department store. Here they were given a cordial welcome to the city of Denison by Rev. J.E. Morris of that city which was responded to by Rev. E.L. Egger of the Board of Directors of the College. Delicious refreshments were served and flowers were given each of the fair honorees. The party left Sherman about 10 o'clock and returned to this city in the late afternoon, having enjoyed every minute of the tour and each young lady expressed in no small measure her appreciation of the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce heads which made this pleasure possible. KIDD-KEY ALUMNAE MEETS Saturday at 12 o'clock the Alumnae of Kidd-Key met in the college parlors and held their annual business meeting. With Mrs. Beatrice Eikle presiding, the minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Myrtle Bradfield Carver, after which several matters of importance were acted upon. It was decided to use the surplus funds for the next year to purchase victrola records to be used in chapel to assist in a higher musical standard and understanding of grand opera. A committee was also appointed by the president to attend to the publicity, throughout the year, of the activities and achievements of the Alumnae Association in order to keep the various members in immediate touch with their work. It will be arranged at the next meeting of the alumnae to have as honor guests all the members possible from the class of 1898 and from thence forward the Association will entertain members of certain classes as honorees, with, of course, all the other members present too. At the suggestion of the nominating committee and with the approval of all, Miss Mary Speer was elected president of the Association for the coming year. Miss Dorothy Achenbach will be vice-president and Miss Gladys Cornell secretary-treasurer. Upon adjournment the ladies repaired to the Binkley Hotel, where a six course luncheon was served in the small dining room. Heretofore the annual gathering has been observed with an elaborate banquet, but through respect for the late president, Mrs. L.A. Kidd-Key, only an informal luncheon was served on this occasion. At the conclusion of the first course, Mrs. Eikle extended a cordial welcome to the college president, the board of directors, the faculty members, the out-going class and the members of the Mary Nash Alumnae, who were especially invited guests. Responses to this address came from Edwin Kidd, president of the school; T.U. Cole, representative of the directors; Professor Powell of the faculty; and Miss Clarice Koch of the Senior Class. During the course of the luncheon, Mrs. Ernest Jones of the Mary Nash Alumnae paid a high tribute to the memory of Mrs. Lucy A. Kidd-Key, which was fittingly responded to by Mrs. Myrtle Bradfield Carver. At the conclusion of the luncheon the melody of Auld Lang Syne, with appropriate words of the Alma Mater, was sung by the entire body, this being an old and almost sacred custom of the association. The words to the song were composed several years ago by Mrs. Strother of this city and each year it is rendered as a final farewell. Plates were marked at the long beautifully laid table for probably 50 guests. Triple baskets of fragrant sweet peas served as decorations, with clusters of the chosen flower as place favors. Sweet pea cards marked places for: Mrs. Beatrice Eikle, Mrs. T.U. Cole, Misses Helen Mathews, Gladys Cornell, Leslie Magee, Veda Group, Jewel Wurtsbaugh, Clarice Koch, Catherine Easterling, Hermione Cotner, Ruth Jacobson, Ode Stinnett, Johnnie May England, Grace Patton, Bonnie Adams, Dorothy Achenbach, Valerie Fleming, Claire Edrington, Mable Colbert; Mmes. Brent Woods Pace, Stinnett, Weems, Bullock, Maud Sewell Brown, Myrtle Bradfield Carver, Laura B. Johnson Talliaferro; Dr. Spates; Miss Bess Eubank; Mrs. Ernest Jones; Mrs. Geo. Case; Professor Powell; Misses Charlyn Edwards, Thelma White, Mary Speer; Mmes. Virginia Newman, Finley, Edwin Kidd; Misses Spencer Tarrant, Kate Gibson; Hildebrand Mattie Shearer; Mayor T.U. Cole; Mmes. Haydon Head, Ray Dorchester, Rufe Hall, Mr. Kidd. Kidd Key College History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |