![]() The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, December 25, 1887 Pg. 4 THE GATE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE The closing exercises of The Gate City Business College took place at the college rooms in the Douglety building on last Thursday and Friday. These exercises consisted of a written examination for the entire school in the routine work of the session, and the awarding of a gold medal to the student having the neatest, most accurate, and best-kept set of books in the school. The work of the following students was place in competition by Prof. Harshaw, the prinicpal: Messrs. L.A. Cartwright, John Blassingame, Flem Coleman and W.B. Harris; Misses Julia K. Webster, Cassie Dobbie and Julia Ever. The examining board, after a careful inspection of the books of each of the competitors, awarded the medal to Miss Cassie Dobbie, her work, in their judgment, reaching the highest standard in penmanship, technical form and mathmatical accuracy. The Gate City Business College, which has seen many reverses since its establishment in Denison, is now in a flourishing condition, and is enjoying a patronage such as its eminent merits entitle it to. Prof. Harshaw, its indominitable founder and present principal and proprietor, is an educator of vast experience and sterling ability - one who is satisfied with nothing but the highest attainable standard, judicious in the selection of means to attain his lofty ends and untiring in his efforts to promote the popularity of his school and the intellectual advancement of those who attend it. He has surrounded himself with a staff of teachers the results of whose work demonstrate their fitness for the positions they fill, and entitle them to a front rank among the educators of Grayson county. The college is modeled after the first commercial schools in the state, and in the matter of thoroughness its course is surpassed by no similar institution in the Union. An addition of 50 feet is being built to the rear of the college building which will be occupied by the school after February 1st. With this addition the Gate City Business College will have the most commodious premises of any commercial school in this portion of the state, and when all pending arrangements are perfected it will be equipped with every facility necessary to the imparting of a complete and perfect business education. The Gazetteer is pleased to note the progress that has been and is still being made by this deserving institution, and heartily commends it to the public. Schools Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |