Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Denison Daily News
March 27, 1878
pg. 4

Visit of Dr. Burlison, President of Waco University

Doctor Rufus Burlison, President of the Waco University and State Lecturer Peabody Fund, arrived in our city on Thursday morning.  The Doctor is on a tour of inspection, visiting the different public schools in the State, the last he visited being the school at Savoy.
The mayor, the members of the school committee - Councilmen Boss, Peck and Kirk - and Councilman Raynal, met Doctor Burlison at 3 p.m., at the school building, and accompanied by the Principal, Professor Somerville, visited the various classrooms.  
The first class examined was the first and second grade, Miss C.M. Davis, teacher.  The scholars of this grade were examined in spelling and acquited themselves very well, spelling some very lengthy words with remarkable promptness.
The next grade examined was the third, Miss Mary Phillips, teacher.  At the request of Doctor Burlison the pupils were required to read, which was well done.  The pronunciation and elocution were, in some instances, very fine.
At the next class the fifth grade, Mrs. Brown, teacher, the visitors were regaled with a song accompanied by calisthenics, and then with a simple but well executed song.
The fourth grade, Miss Ella Coleman, teacher, was examined in spelling and in the different rules as to forming the plurals of words.  The answers were readily given.  One young girl, a daughter of Dr. Ringo, of this city, especially excelled in answering difficult questions of that kind propounded to her by Professor Somerville.
The sixth grade, Miss Sarah Cornell, teacher, was required to spell different words given, and then the different slates on which sentences had been written by the scholars was examined by Dr. Burlison and some of the other gentlemen.  The writing, generally speaking, was good for such young children.
The last grade examined was part of the fifth grade, it having been found necessary to divide this grade into two classes, owing to the large number.  Miss Nora Nixon is teacher of the part which occupies a room on the lower floor.  This class was examined in geography, and the answers were readily, and in most cases, correctly given.
The examination of the seventh grade, Mrs. Morrison, teacher, had to be postponed until to-day, on account of the lateness of the hour.
Under the present admirable management of our public school, the children are rapidly advancing in all the various branches.  What, however, pleases us more than any other thing connected with the school is the manifest interest displayed by the children themselves. On none of their faces could be seen that weary, tired look, which one so often meets in a school room, and which plainly says, "I wish school was out."  
Another fact which greatly pleased us was the admirable order maintained in all the classes, and the affection and esteem displayed by the pupils towards their teachers.
We may well be proud of our public school.  It is without question one of the best, if not the best in our great State.  Our distinguished guest, Dr. Rufus Burleson, has done more than any other man in Texas for the cause of public education.  He has espoused this cause with a fervor seldom equaled, and all his energies and talent have been and still are directed towards the promotion of what is so essential to human happiness and prosperity - the education of the masses.  Out citizens should not forget that to the strenuous efforts of Dr. Burleson, especially, are we indebted for the liberal share of the Peabody fund, granted us by Dr. Sears.

Burleson School

Educational Institute History
Susan Hawkins

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