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The Denison Press
Friday, May 29, 1959
pg. 1

O.W. Cline, teacher of history and economics at Denison Senior high school, who is retiring after years of service, was presented the Freedom's Foundation Valley Forge Classroom Teachers' medal for outstanding work in his field at commencement exercises at Junior High School Monday evening.
The medal, along with a citizen scroll, was presented by Superintendent H.W. Goodgion during the part of the program given to recognition of teacher accomplishments.
The citation was given to Cline for his outstanding work to create better understanding of the American Way of Life and included in the commendatory expressions were the words, "for your high devotion and patriotic contribution to notable youth leadership in the highest tradition of our free nation."
Dr. Kenneth D. Wells, president of Freedom's Foundation, in notifying Cline of the award, said: "Your exceptional classroom work in behalf of responsible patriotic citizenship and the American Way of Life has been singled out as an important professional contribution to maintaining our American Constitutional Republic."
Information about Mr. Cline was gathered by Bill Jacobs, assistant principal of Senior High with the assistance of others.  Award recipients are selected from among the records of teachers from every corner of the country where names have been submitted by citizens interested in continued high levels of citizenship education in America schools.  A distinguished jury composed of State Supreme Court jurists and elected representatives of national patriotic, service and veterans organizations does the selecting.
Nominations are invited from all Americans for the Freedom's Foundation medal, either for teachers' medal consideration or in the Foundation's general program which honors people in all walks of life for things they have written, said, or done to improve knowledge and appreciation of our American Way of Life.
Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge is a non-profit, non-political, non-secretarian organization.  It's honorary chairman is President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  The Foundation's funds come from wide national sources, individuals, corporations and foundations.

Freedom's Foundation

Denison High School History
Susan Hawkins
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