![]() The Denison Press Friday, May 27, 1949 pg. 1-8 134 Graduates Receive Diplomas, June 3 Exercise The climax of four years' work and study and effort for 134 graduating students will come next Friday night, June 3, at 8 o'clock, when diplomas and awards are presented them in the 73rd annual commencement exercises of Denison high school, the first free, public school to be erected in the state of Texas. Whitney Harris, professor of law at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, will deliver the commencement address, following the speeches of the Valedictorian, Joanne Newland, and Salutatorian, Mary Alice Price. DIplomas, prizes and awards will be presented by a member of the school board, and Superintendent B. McDaniel will speak. Members of the chorus, directed by Mrs. Fred Parker, are: Bill Andrews, Carole Bates, Harold Bilderback, Glenn Isaacs, Marjorie Shires, Lois Buford, Joe Cravens, Gloria Fawcett, Pat Hughes, Thomas Moseley, Joanne Newland, Clifton Weaver, Claudine Wilson, Yolande Payne, Lonnie Perry, Jack Linderman, Mary Alice Price, Oscar Landmon, Marilyn Winfree, John Tomlinson, Alice Dewees and Ethel Whitley. Other Activities Other activities that will leave happy memories in the minds of the graduating class include the Senior Class Day which was celebrated Friday with a picnic at Burns Run, with swimming and games and eats featuring the all day outing. The group was accompanied to the lake by Mrs. E.G. Johnson, Miss Maggie Sommerville, Miss Elizabeth Bledsoe and M.M. Marshall. The annual Junior-Senior prom is scheduled for June 1, at the Youth Center, with the Junior class as hosts. Junior sponsors will chaperone. They are Miss Regina Pennington, Miss Margaret Clarke and Miss Loreta Smith. The highlight of the graduating time for the Juniors is the annual event of passing the Senior mantle to the head of the Junior class, and this year the presentation will be made by Clifton Weaver, president of the Senior Class, to Miles Wilson, president of the Juniors. The mantle is a black robe on which is lettered in gold each year of the school's existence with the class of 1949 prominently displayed. The alumni association will have its annual meeting in the auditorium on the evening of June 7. Miss Patsy Brack is president of the association and other officers are Miss Madelon Foster, vice-president; Mrs. Laura Payne, recording secretary; Miss Margaret Bengel, corresponding secretary and Edgar Winter, treasurer. A square dance will feature the evening's entertainment with Miss Payne and Miss Foster in charge of arrangements. Mrs. B.A. Willis is chairman of the invitation committee; and Mrs. H.Y. Parrott, Mrs. E.G. Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Bledsoe and Miss Mildred Walker, in charge of program and refreshments and Fred Bullock, Jr., decorations. A nominating committee to select officers for next year include Mrs. Parrott, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Willis, Miss Bledsoe, Miss Foster, Miss Walker, Miss Payne, Miss Norma Jean Essary and Mr. Winter. The business session will be conducted in the auditorium and the program in the gymnasium and will being at 8 o'clock. Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday Evening, May 29 Rev. B.C. Brown, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to 134 high school graduates in the school auditorium on next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. As is the custom of the school, each year a different church has charge of the services, with this year's program in charge of Rev. Brown and his choir, with pastors from other churches participating. The entire program will be: Prelude and Processional, Mrs. B.C. Brown Call to worship, Calvary choir Invocation, Rev. W.O. Bucy Song, "Oh For a Thousand Tongues to Sing," choir Responsive Reading, Rev. Homer T. Connally Prayer, Dr. H.C. Henderson Song, choir Scripture Reading, Rev. E.A. Manley Sermon, "Wisdom Hath Builded Her House," Rev. B.C. Brown Song, "Lead On, Lead On," Choir Benediction, Rev. Ronald Prince Recessional, Mrs. B.C. Brown The Denison Press Friday, May 27, 1949 pg. 3 High School Graduates Hear Whitley Harris Commencement Address ...Mary Alice Price, salutatorian, spoke briefly on the "Benefits of the Gilmer Aiken Bill" and what it would mean to the Denison schools if enacted. It would provide for a program of vocational education for all youth over 18...who are not enrolled in any regular school... Miss Joanne Newland, valedictorian, spoke on the lifting of the Berlin Blockade and explained the cause of the blockade, the resistance of Russia to our determination to fly supplies into Berlin in spite of the blockade, and the present situation since it was lifted.... Fred Harvey, a member of the school board, presented the diplomas as the names were called by Principal Joe L. Dickson... Prizes Awarded Prizes and awards were presented by Mr. Dickson to a large number of the graduating class. The scholarship presented each year to a boy and girl with the highest four year average went to Bill Linden and Joanne Newland. The Girl Reserve cup for complete womanhood went to Patsy Parks and the Hi-Y cup for complete manhood went to Eddie Sneed. The B.J. Lindsay prize for the best essay on fire prevention, divided among three students with $15 for the best, $7.50 for second and $3.00 for third went to Bill Linden, senior; Marilyn Campbell, junior, and Gloria Fawcett, senior. The Bill Conaster prize of $10 to the boy with the greatest number of letters in sports was presented Marvin Vincent. The cash prize of $5.00 to the students with the highest average went to Jane Higginson, Joan Martin, and Shirley McRae. The cash award of $5.00 to the senior with the highest average lettering in football, basketball and track went to Leon Savage, Clifton Weaver, and Jerry Henderson, respectively. A cash award of $10 for the outstanding senior tennis player went to Jimmie Wigzell. Cash prizes of $7.50, $5.00 and $2.50 to the band members with the highest average went to Max Lyon, Oscar Landmon, and Dwain Staggers, respectively. The Rotary Club prizes of $10 and $5 went to the two senior boys with the highest scholastic average, O.D. Bretches and Bill Linden. The Athletic cup which is presented each year to the boy in any grade with the highest average went to Bobby Williford. The P.T.A. awards to the boy and girl with the highest average during the senior year were presented to Joanne Newland and Bill Linden from Central Ward; Alyce Dewees and Herbert Bozarth from Peabody; Carol Bates and Jimmie Blankenship from Houston; Betty Jo Graham and David Winter from Lamar; and Jimmie Gray and Leon Savage from Raynal. The highest attendance record prize of $15 and $25 presented by the high school PTA went to Marilyn Watkins, a senior, and Jimmie Blankenship, a junior. Golden Rule's prize of $5 to the highest pupil during the senior year went to Marlene Moore; Layne school's $5 prize for the best four year average went to Mary Lou Lee; Des Voignes $5 to Ruby Atwell; Pottsboro's $5 to Marjorie Shires; Willow Springs' to Margaret Daugherty. The Billy Earle Campbell award given by Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell in honor of their son to the boy with the highest musical ability and Christian leadership went to Clifton Weaver; Mrs. C.W. Beaumont's $100 scholarship prize in honor of her son, Frederick P. Hibbard, was divided among the four students with the highest four-year average, Louise Coats, Patsy Parks, Ralph Burton and Clifton Weaver. And by secret vote among the members of the chorus, the $10 prize for the outstanding chorus students went to Bill Andrews. ![]() Denison High School History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |