![]() The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, June 3, 1894 pg. 1 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Graduating Class, Denison Public School, 1894 Friday evening the Wilkinson opera house was literally packed with ladies, gentlemen and children, the attraction being the commencement exercises of the graduating class of 1894, Denison public schools. The class, together with Supt. Gay and Miss Minnie Marsh, occupied seats on the stage and throughout the rendition of the programme the very best of order prevailed. Miss Carrie Marshall and Mesdames Lyall and Harris contributed much to the pleasure of the occasion. The graduates are: Miss Maud Bickle Miss Pearl Reanch Miss Maude Fisher Miss Laura Heck Miss Ethel M. Dillard Messr. R. Irving Wright Messr. Chas. H. Wingrove Messr. Frank W. Grace The subject of Miss Dillard's essay was "The Starry Heavens"; Miss Heck, "The Lady of the James;" Miss Fisher, "The Passion Play." Frank Grace gave a splendid rendition of his ideal government. After hunting the world over this ideal government was found in Africa, and things were so arranged that a person would only have to "press a button" and almost any desire would be almost instantly gratified. A most interesting part of the exercises was the debate by Messrs. Wright and Wingrove and Misses Reanch and Bickle. The question: Resolved, That the accumulation of capital in the hands of private corporations, monopolies, trusts, etc., is a menace to the democracy of the United States of America, was handled in a masterly manner. The argument on each side was laid on strong lines, and those participating in the debate spoke without notes. R. Irving Wright and Miss Pearl Reanch affirmed and Miss Maud Bickle and Mr. Charles Wingrove denied that private corporations are a menace to the democracy of the United States. The board of school trustees sat as judges, and the verdict was rendered in favor of the negative. Following the debate was the presentation of diplomas by Trustee S.A. Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert prefaced his remarks to the class by giving a brief reference to the work, progress and management and condition of the city public schools. The year had been characterized by hard work on the part of pupils and teachers alike, and splendid progress had been made. In the opinion of the speaker the year just closing was the most prosperous of any in the history of the city schools. Nothing whatever had occurred to mar the work during the year. Denison High School History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |