![]() ![]() Senior Class 1941 Sherman
Democrat April 10, 1941 Collinsville Seniors Slate Play Tonight Collinsville - The senior class of the Collinsville high school will give their play, "Aunt Tillie Goes to Town," at the Ethel school Thursday night. The play is a three-act comedy, with Amy J. Bates in the role of Aunt TIllie, supported by Nelda May Green, Laverne Moses, Lois Thompson, Lenora May Roberts, J.M. Walsh, James Walkup, Bobby Minnis, Harold Davis, Veda Mae Davis and Catherine Swindle. Because the Collinsville high school is being rebuilt, the school board has arranged for free transportation to and from Ethel. Sherman Democrat May 20, 1941 Juniors Fete Seniors with Picnic and Show Collinsville - The junior class of the Collinsville high school entertained the senior class with a picnic at Loy park and a theater party in Sherman Monday night. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Sybil Cootz, sponsor of the junior class and Mrs. J.P. Moore, sponsor of the seniors. Attendance included more like 50 students and teachers. Sherman Democrat May 21, 1941 Collinsville Banquet Held Seniors Attend Event at Denison Collinsville - Seniors of the Collinsville high school held their banquet at the Hotel Denison Tuesday night. Laverne Moses, class president, presided and gave response to a toast by Eugene Mitchell, elementary principal. Invocation was by Miss Clara Dishman. Supt. J.P. Buck gave the principal address. A program featured Fred Bullock, ventriloquist, G.B. McKinney and Miss Margaret Lallemant, dancers, and pupils of the McKinney studio, all of Denison. Guests attending the banquet included Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Moore, Miss Dishman, Miss Chloe Griffin, Miss Daisy McDonald, Mrs. Ruby Woodfeldt, Miss Pauline Bates, Mr. Mitchell, W.D. Owens, Mrs. Sybil Goets and Mrs. Berl Pearson. Seniors attending included Lenora May Roberts, valedictorian; Darlene Pilcher, salutatorian; Amy J. Bates, R.D. Bell, James Coulston, William Harold Davis, Veda Mae Davis, Nelda Mae Green, Wanda Gregory, J.E. Malone, Laverne Moses, Rojo Owens, Lagunia Remmer, James Sanders, Billie Starr, Cathrine Swindle, James Walkup, J.M. Walsh and Bobbie Minnis. The senior day program of the high school was held Tuesday morning at the First Baptist church. Sherman Democrat May 23, 1941 Collinsville School to End Baccalaureat Services Planned for Sunday Collinsville - The Collinsville public schools are holding their examinations this week. Friday the senior class was to be entertained with an outing at Lake Worth, accompanied by their sponsor, Mrs. J.P. Moore, Principal Milton Pearce and Mrs. C.S. Davis, class mother. Baccalaureate services will be held Sunday at the Methodist church with the Rev. Gerald P. McCollom of Gainesville as principal speaker. Next Tuesday evening the seniors will be entertained with a dinner party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Davis. Commencement will be next Wednesday with Dr. J.A. Ellis of Sherman the speaker. Thursday morning, May 29, the class, accompanied by Supt. and Mrs. J.P. Buck, Mrs. J.P. Moore, Mrs. Berl Pearson and Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Davis, will leave for a trip to Hot Springs, Ark., and points in the Ozarks. Candidates for graduation are Lenora Mae Roberts, valedictorian; Darlene Pilcher, salutatorian; Amy J. Bates, R.D. Bell, James Coulston, William Harold Davis, Nelda Mae Green, Wanda Gregory, J.E. Malone, Lavern Moses, Rojo Gilbert Owens, Lagunia Remmer, James Ralph Sanders, Billy Wilson Starr, Catherine Swindle, james Lloyd Walkup, Bobby Minnis and J.M. Walsh. Fifty members of the high school math class were entertained with a picnic at Loy park Wednesday afternoon by Supt. and Mrs. J.P. Buck and W.D. Owens. This concluded school social events. Collinsville School Ends Senior Trip to Ozarks is Started Collinsville - Dr. J.A. Ellis, pastor of the First Baptist church of Sherman, delivered the principal address at Collinsville school commencement exercises Wednesday night. His subject was "Yourself Incorporated," in which he showed that each individual is the head of a corporation with God as a silent partner. Principal Milton Pearce presented the candidates for graduation to Supt. J.P. Buck, who awarded diplomas to the following: Lenora Mae Roberts, valedictorian; Darlene Pilcher, salutatorian; Amy J. Bates, R.D. Bell, James Coulston, William Harold Davis, Veda Mae Davis, Nelda Mae Green, Wanda Gregory, J.E. Malone, Laverne Moses, Rojo Gilbert Owens, Lagunia Remmer, James Ralph Sanders, Billy Wilson Starr, Catherine Swindle, James Lloyd Walkup, J.M. Walsh, Bobby Minnis. Medals were awarded by Supt. J.P. Buck as follows: Lenora Mae Roberts, valedictorian Darlene Pilcher, salutatorian J.M. Walsh, best boy citizen Nelda Mae Green, best girl citizen Jimmie Ree Swindle, highest grade average scholarship in school O.M. Quattlebaum, best boy athlete Laferne Moses, best girl athlete Veda Mae Davis, best school spirit. The senior class left Thursday morning for a four-day trip through the Ozarks. Accompanying the class were Supt. and Mrs. J.P. Buck, Mrs. Berl Pearson, Miss Evelyn Martin, Mrs. W.J. Gardner, Miss Emma Lou Grahama nd Miss Stella Mae Gordan.-----Sherman (Texas) Democrat, Friday, May 30, 1942, pg.3 ![]() Collinsville School History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |