Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Whitewright Sun
Thursday, December 18, 1924

The Bethel school house, 3 miles south of this city, was destroyed by fire last Friday.  The building was a comparatively new 2-room structure, erected in accordance with modern rural school building plans.  Mrs. B.H. Thomson of this place is principal of the school and Miss Willie Sloan of Pilot Grove community is assistant teacher.  While the pupils were at play on the campus during the noon recess hour, the building caught fire near an unused flue opening in the brick chimney.  There was no method available for controlling the blaze and the structure was soon reduced to ashes.  The trustees were carrying fire insurance in the amount of $1,500, which will materially aid in reconstructing the property but which only partially covers the loss.  The school was in session on the last day prior to county institute week and the Christmas holidays, and every effort will be made to rebuild the school house during vacation period and have it ready for use without serious interruption in the work of the session.

Bethel #6 School History
Elaine Nall Bay

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