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Prof. David F. Eagleton

Prof. David F. Eagleton, having charge of the department of English language and literature in Austin College, is a man of large experience and broad and thorough culture in his department. A graduate of Davidson College, N.C., he adopted the calling of the teacher and filled positions in the schools of Bonham and Ladonia with great credit leaving a host of devoted friends when he came in 1888 to accept  the chair of English in Austin College. He labored here with marked success. In 1897, he resigned to accept a position as superintendent of the schools of Calvert, Texas. His success in this field was as marked as his success at Austin College. In the meeting of the board of trustees of October, 1899, he was unanimously re-elected to the chair he now occupies in Austin College, and his return has added to the confidence which the State and the church have manifested in the college during this year.

His reputation as a thorough instructor and an accomplished writer has spread through the State. He has frequently occupied positions of importance in various State organizations. He occupied the chair of history in the State School of Methods at Austin and has been prominently connected with State normals. He has been a close and ardent student of our Southern literature and many an eloquent appeal has come from his pen for a recognition of what the South has contributed in poetry and prose. He is recognized as an authority on this subject. But it is his work as a college professor in the class-room which recommends him most strongly. It is the unvarying testimony of men who have sat under his instruction that their progress, under his faithful, painstaking and inspiring direction, has been a surprise even to themselves and they have a command of English which they did not even hope to have. Austin College is to be congratulated on obtaining the services of such gifted and accomplished men as professor Eagleton.

Austin College History
Susan Hawkins

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