![]() Dallas
Morning News
July 18, 1886 SHERMAN _______ Trying to Raise Money - Grayson County Alliance Hold a Three Days' Session Special to The News SHERMAN, July 17. . . . FARMERS IN SESSION The County Alliance has been in session at Allen Schoolhouse, fifteen miles south of Sherman, for the last three days, and adjourned to-day, after a most successful session. The meeting, which was called for the transaction of routine work, did not get out of the usual channel until Thursday night, when the election of officers for the ensuing year was taken up and put through, with the following results: Wm. Scott, of Helvey Schoolhouse Alliance president; G. P. Fitzgerald, of Dripping Springs Alliance, vice president; J. C. Carleton, of Allen Schoolhouse Alliance, secretary and treasurer. The question of the erection of a magnificently equipped flouring mill was taken up and discussed at some length, and committees appointed to look into the cost and site of erection. From a gentleman, who is a member of the organization, a reporter learned that the cost would in all probability be not less than $80,000. In regard to the point where it will be located, he did not seem to have a very clear idea, but thought the committee would return a report in the near future. The general impression is that it will be located at or near Sherman, on account of superior shipping facilities to be secured thereby. The mill will be of the latest modern pattern and will be built much upon the style of the one at Rockdale, with the exception that the Grayson County institution will be nearly double the size. IN REGARD TO POLITICS the reporter's informant had this to say: The alliances assembled by delegations at Allen's Schoolhouse positively refused to have anything to do with politics and will not meddle with the election in November as an organization, but will allow each man to follow the bent of his own inclination in the matter. The total number of alliances, as footed up by the secretary, shows quite an increase, and there is also a perceptible increase in the membership. Chief of Fire Department Levy has been investigating city cisterns all day, and reports everything all right. Schools Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson County TXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |