Grayson County TXGenWeb

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, May 4, 1884
pg. 1

4th Annual Ball of Lone Star Division #53
Large Attendance, Grand Success and Highly Enjoyable

The anxiously looked for social event of the season, the fourth annual ball of the Lone Star Division No. 53, Order of Railway Conductors took place at the McDougall Opera House last Thursday evening.  The attendance was by far the largest ever assembled in this spacious hall, on any similar occasion, and the first time in which the capacity of the building was inadequate to the demand, owing to the large number who wished to participate in the terpsicchorian enjoyments.  The balls were becoming a feature in the history of Denison with citizens looing forward to the first of May.  It was the goal of the O.R.C. to make each succeeding ball eclipse the previous one.
The men who made the ball a success were: W.M. Boggs, R.S. Harnest, W.H. Ward, C.J. Wilson, J.H. Martin, J.E. Harnest, John W. Condon, Frank Devoe, and O.S. Darhagton.
There were approximately 150 couples who attended and participated in the dancing as well as others who were spectators, with the total number attending being in the neighborhood of 750.  The floor accomodates about 75 couples.
The superb music was provided by Meine Bro's Strong Band of Dallas.  The following gentlemen composed the band: Ferdinand Meine, Henry Meine, George Meine, Fred Meine, Gustav Meine, Geo. Berkline, Loren Horten, Prof. Haas, C.M. Doggett, John Kintz, Chas. Waldrow, Dick Lindsey.  While in the city, the men were the guests of the Southern Hotel and the Committee on Music had arranged for the men to come to Denison over the Missouri-Pacific Railway; but due to the washout on the road, Conductor James H.Martin contacted Mr. A. Faulkner, general passenger agent of the H. & T.C. R'y, by telegraph, explaining the situation, who extended the courtesy of free transportation, round trip, to the men from Dallas.

The Deccoration committee was under the supervision of Conductor W.M. Boggs, assisted by Messrs. O.S. Darlington, Jim Martin, John Condon, Will Mabry, Frank Devoe and A.L. White.  Over the state hung a large United States flag, flanked by smaller flags on each side.  In front directly over the foot lights and suspended by invisible wire were the emblematic letters of the Order in Old English and beneath the number 53.  Bunting was displayed under the stage, around the galleries and flanking both sides of the stairways.  Flags were also suspended from the ceiling as well as festoons of evergreen as well as wreaths of evergreens and flowers.  Bird cages were hung in various parts of the hall with occupants who sent forth the happy warble of the canary and the clear, high notes of the mockingbird.  Two parrots occupied the cage in front of the stage, furnished for the occasion by Mr. John D. Ourand.
Among the ladies who participated in the dance and whose costumes are described by the reporter:
Mrs. J.H. Ourand, Waco - an Ophilia-tinted satin, made dancing length, garnished with duchess lace and bouquet of natural flowers
Mrs. Cliff Rogers, Sedalia - gown of black satin, lace and diamond ornaments
Mrs. Douglass, Pleasant Hill, Missouri - handsome silk, trimmed with lace and natural flowers
Mrs. R. Rice, Galveston - king's red silk, garnished with Spanish lace and diament ornaments
Mrs. Harold, sister of Mrs. Geo. Sage - black brocade velvet over a petticoat of black rhadames silk, diamond ornaments, bouquet of Marcchal Neil roses
Mrs. Green, Bonham - black satin garnished with Spanish lace and fresh roses
Mrs. Frank Wells, Cleveland, Ohio - black silk trimmed with lace, bouquet de corsage of natural flowers
Mrs. Hammond - black silk with lace trimmings natural flowers and gold ornaments
Mrs. Dr. Nagle - blue and gold silk, garnished with lace and flowers; diamond ornaments
Mrs. James Beggs - wild rose tinted nuns veiling, trimmed with white Spanish lace, corsage bordered with lace and of natural flowers
Mrs. O.S. Darlington - Havana brown silk, tablier front of black lace, lace sleeves, diamond ornaments and natural flowers
Mrs. W.J. Scott - black satin, tablier front in jet, garnished with duchess lace and jet, russian gray hat with plume, natural flowers
Mrs. J.A. Wilkinson - pearl brocade satin, trimmings of point lace and diamond ornaments
Mrs. Chas. Clymer - white and cardinal satin, natural flowers
Mrs. Wm. Cackley - white swiss, trimmed with lace and fresh rose buds
Mrs. Al Brown - plush and satin
Mrs. S.V. May - white mull, orange flowers, diamond ornaments
Mrs. Jasper Wilson - black satin with natural flowers
Mrs. Jno. Curry - Nile green, corsage of velvet, gold ornaments
Mrs. H. Terrill - black silk, jet ornaments
Mrs. W.H. Mabrey - scarlet polka-dot pongee silk, lace trimmings, steel ornaments
Mrs. Robt. Collins - cream satin, pearl ornaments
Mrs. F. Pettit - pale pink satin, garnishes of lace and flowers, diamond ornaments
Mrs. A.M. Dinehart - green silk and natural flowers
Mrs. Hayworth - black silk
Mrs. M. Pauline - black silk
Mrs. S.T. Brown - blue satin garnished of lace and fresh flowers
Mrs. W.M. Boggs - black satin with overdress of brocade grenadine, short sleeves, long black mitts, natural flowers
Mrs. W.H. Sherwood - radzimir silk with flounces of black Spanish lace, bouquet de-corsage of apple blossoms, diamond ornaments
Mrs. L.C. Kone - satin and velvet bodice, pearl ornaments
Mrs. E.F. Pecor - fawn-colored camels hair, garnished with lace and flowers
Mrs. Frank  P. DeVoe - black satin, Spanish lace trimmings, natural flowers
Mrs. Ed Kennedy - steel-colored satin, diamond ornaments
Miss Collins, niece of J.B. Wilde, from Kentucky - ox-blood satin with garniture of lace and flowers, pearl ornaments
Miss Clara David, Waco - peach-bloom, pink satin made dancing length, hair dressed high, bouquet de-corsage of jacqueminot and tea roses, diamond ornaments and garnished with valenciennes lace.  Guest of Conductor W.H. Ward
Miss Mary Condon, Kansas City - cream colored brocade bordered in crystal passementerie and pearl ornaments
Miss Jennie Houston, Kansas City - satin trimmed with oriental lace, bouquet de corsage of natural flowers
Miss Minnie Vallie, Corsicana, sister of Conductor James Martin's wife - simple dress of white and natural flowers
Miss Julia Kerner, New Orleans - cream dotted swiss and pearl blue satin, diamond and pearl ornaments
Miss Josie Goldsoll - mode colored satin, garniture of Duchess lace, bouquet of roses, diamond ornaments
Miss L. Dollarhide - white swiss, blue corsage de V, garniture of lace and natural flowers
Miss Walker, St. Louis - swiss, embroidered flounces, natural flowers, diamond ornaments
Miss Ida Darby - old gold and light blue satin, no ornaments
Miss Ottie Terrill - white mull garniture of satin and lace
Miss Blanche Sage - pale pink satin, made dancing length, white satin as a corsage garniture, blush roses
Miss Georgie Sage - petite demoiselle wore a dress of wild rose silk, embroidered
Miss Melissa Boling - silver gray satin, natural flowers, gold jewelry
Miss Armide Lamm, Plano - pale blue satin, gold ornaments
Miss Mattie Bell, Abilene - white India mull, diamont ornaments
Miss Lizzie Smith - white costume, corsage of maroon satin
Miss Ida Hutton - white swiss
Miss Lizzie Ragland - Nile-green satin, shrimp pink trimmings
Miss Nettie Hume - black silk
Miss Emily Jacobs - white satin and natural flowers
Miss Mattie Cook - ivory white muslin, flounced to the waist, made dancing length, garniture of shell pink ribbon; coquettish little hat of white satin and shell pink plumes
Miss Nettie Bennett - baby blue satin, corsage bouquet of pale pink roses
Miss Kate Everett - pearl colored nuns veiling, garniture of lace and natural flowers
Miss Rosa Leeper - nut-brown silk, hat and gloves to match
Miss Campie Redwood - cream satin, corsage of rose tinted satin
Miss Callie Redwood - white swiss with stylish hat of white, contrasting beautifully with her dark eyes and hair
Miss Evlynn McLynn - white swiss, lace and flowers
Miss Morris - satin
Miss Lizzie Smith - white satin, bouquet of fresh roses
Miss Libbe Wheeler - satin, high corsage with cluster of apple blossoms
Miss Zettie Curry - swiss and satin
Miss Isie Tone - cream nuns veiling, trimmings of Dutchess lace, white hat and gold ornaments
Miss Annie Gurr, guest of Mrs. Case - white satin, garniture of lace and flowers
Miss Mattie Harnest - white swiss
Miss Leola Decker - white and old gold satin, garniture of lace, natural flowers
Miss A. Bramell - rose tinted pungee silk
Miss L. Burdick - swiss and satin
Miss Belle Martin - cream nuns veiling, garniture of lace; pearl ornaments
Mrs. Jas. Martin - nuns veiling, Spanish lace, bouqeut of many hued flowers, diamond ornaments
Mrs. P. Baldwin, Sherman - changeable surah silk, ornamental lace and flowers, diamond and gold ornaments
Miss Mattie Hogg - cream-tinted nuns veiling, hand embroidered, bouquet de-corsage of pink rose-buds
Miss Nettie Hogg - cream-tinted
nuns veiling, hand embroidered, bouquet de-corsage of pink rose-buds
Miss Kate Becker - pure white cashmere, garniture of satin and lace corsage, bouquet of crushed roses

Visitors from different parts of the country:
Miss Clara David, Waco
Miss Minnie Vallie, Corsicana
Miss Mary Condon, Kansas City
Miss Fannie Collins, Kentucky
Miss Annie Sassannie, McGregor
Miss Armidie Lamm, Plano
Miss Mattie Bell, Abilene
Miss Marie Robinson, Cleveland
Miss Jennie Houston, Kasnas City
Mrs. R. Rice, Galveston
Mrs. Scott, Malissa, guest of Conductor C. Lashe
Mrs. H.G. Henicke, McGregor
Mrs. Wm. Moon, Big Springs
Mrs. D.H. Orand, Waco
Mrs. Cliff Rogers, Sedalia
Mrs. P. Baldwin, Sherman
Mrs. Conductor Crater, Alvarado
Mrs. F.A. Green, Bonham
Mrs. James Scanlon, McKInney
Mr. W.L. White, Kankakee, Illinois
Mr. A.H. Burns, Fort Worth
Conductor Crater, Alvarado
"Cannon Ball" Young, Taylor
F.T. Dysart, Van Alstyne
F.J. Barry, Plano
J.H. Dove, Philadelphia
C. Chambers, Savanna
W.F. Sherwood, Lebanon, Illinois
Brink Morris, Sherman
F.A. Green, Bonham
Frank Kidwell, Marshall
James Scanlon, McKinney
Engineer Nance, McKinney

Those dancing and having a good time:
Conductor John Condon and lady
Conductor H. Hagan and lady
Conductor P. Lanahan and lady
Conductor M. Pauline and lady
Conductor Ragland and lady
Conductor W.M. Boggs and lady and "Little Dot"
Conductor O.S. Darlington and lady
Conductor Geo. B. Sage and lady
Conductor Jasper Wilson and lady
Conductor James Nicholas and lady
Conductor James Martin and lady
Conductor Al Brown and lady
Conductor Frank Devoe and lady
Conductor W.H. Mabrey and lady
Conductor Lasher and lady
Conductor F. Corday and lady
Conductor J.C. Crank and lady
Conductor James Beggs and lady
Conductor James Scanlon and lady
Conductor H.G. Heinke and lady
Steve Brown and lady
Lee Kone and lady
Dr. W.M. Nagle and lady
Russell Legate and lady
S. Kaufman and lady
Engineer John Curry and lady
J.A. Euper and lady
J.A. Wilkinson and lady
Chas. Clymer and lady
E.F. Pecor and lady
Frank Wells and lady
Robert Collins and lady
Will Perry, Will Everitt, Hobart Huson, Ike Standifer, J.H. Nolan, M.M. Leeper, W.R. Bernard, M. Mastic, W.H. Young, Henry Walker, J.T. Munson, Mach Hutchinson, R.D. Beirne, Norman Bennett, Joseph White, Clarence Young, Claire Rackliff, Jack Gaven, Wilmot Seager, Ed Zintgraff, Steve French, Will Ward, James Leeper, Blanchard Hanna, Sol Weisman, John Conner, B.F.R. Clark, Will Robinson, Lee Menefee, Lonnie Mitchell, Charley Ledrick, John Aiken, Mr. Hildreth, Joe Elliott, John A. Wade, Jim Simpson, Ed Leeper, Frank Mosely, W.N. Moritz, Ike Schwarz

Among the ladie and gentlemen who graced the occasion with their presence but did not take part in the dancing:
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Boss
Dr. and Mrs. James Rea
Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Platter
Mr. and Mrs. H. Tone
Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Case
Mr. and Mrs. Max Grundstein
Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Dearing
Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Westheimer
Mr. and Mrs. H. Casper
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James Lea
Mesdames E.H. Lingo, W.F. Bennett, Jeff Percy, Dora Wiscoe, Edward Perry, Samuel Star, J.B. Wilde, Mrs. Everitt and J.G. Taylor
Misses Isie Tone, Dixie Crooks, Cora Johnson, Fannie Epstein, Ottie Terrell, Laura Sibley, Miss Beujiman, Dixie Hughes, Mamie Frizzell, Agnes Frizzell, Jennie Munson, Triphenia Munson

30 dances on the program
The ladies appreciate nice little fans presented by J. Weisman & Co.
Conductor M. M. Leeper graced the occasion, attired in the handsome Prince Albert coat he wore on the occasion of the meeting of Knight Templars at San Franciso.
Conductor John W. Condon, fearing the band would not make it in time, made the trip to Dallas two days before the ball to escort them.
Mayor Hanna showed up in time to witness the wind up.
It was hard to tell which was the best looking - Conductor Leeper or Top West
Lone Star Division, No. 53, regrets the inability of W.I. Allen, former chief train dispatcher of the Trans Pacific, now general superintendent of the M. & M. R'y with headquarters at St. James, Minnesota, to attend the ball.

The Order of Railway Conductors extend their thanks to Owen McCarthy for the kind offer of his new building, for the purpose of holding their annual ball, but owing to the fact of having engaged the opera house previously, were compelled to decline the generous offer.
W.M. Boggs
Jno. Condon
W.H. Ward
Jasp. Wilson
Jas. Harnest

Susan Hawkins

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