Grayson County TXGenWeb
 Old Settlers Association
Grayson County

The Dallas Morning News
July 28, 1887

The old settlers of Grayson County will convene here in the morning for their annual picnic

The Dallas Morning News
July 29, 1887

The Reunion of Old Settlers Well Attended - Sunday School Excursion
Sherman, Tex., July 28. - Last night and this morning wagons loaded with old settlers rolled into the city from all directions, and each train brought in those who lived close enough to that means of transportation.  All the refreshment stands on the grounds were arranged yesterday, and the vendors of everything from a handful of peanuts to a square meal were on hand and ready for the trade, which they have reported as good.  Camps have been established all over the grounds and everything gives out the appearance of a genuine and happy reunion of old friends, made lastingly so by the trials and deprivations they passed together in the pioneer days of Grayson, Collin, Cooke and Fannin Counties.  While a large crowd of visitors were upon the grounds at an early hour, not many from the city were there before 10 o'clock, at which time the Grayson Rifles Band went down in an open car, discoursing several popular airs.  The exercises of the day were opened at 10:30 by the address of welcome by Judge Gilbert of Denison, who in behalf of Sherman and Grayson County bad them feel that they were among those of another generation, in whose hearts resided the deepest love and admiration for those pioneers of the garden spot of Texas.  He paid several touching tributes to the living present and to the absent dead, who had in years past gathered under the same spreading boughs and brought forth from the treasures of memory the happy scenes of the past.  He was followed in a response by Rev. William Connoly of Kentuckytown.  In behalf of himself and the old settlers he returned thanks for the kind wishes expressed by Judge Gilbert.  Although a minister and a gentleman thoroughly reverenced by his people, he is not confined in his talks to matters entirely spiritual, but instead kept up a vein of humor and thorough good-will that caught his listeners without an exception.  After the close of his talk came a regular old-fashioned basket dinner.  No amusements of any kind other than social gatherings and discussion were on the ground, except a game of base ball between the Trenton boys and the Juniors of Sherman, which resulted in an easy victory for Sherman.  An order was issued allowing no one to hitch to trees, and in this way teams were kept from interfering with proceedings.  President Fordyce has made arrangements to give the Sunday school children of Sherman a free excursion.

Old Settlers History
Elaine Nall Bay

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