Grayson County TXGenWeb
First Christian Church
corner of Denny & O'Connell
Howe, Texas

Trails of our Past

That old Christian Church
By: Dusty Williams

From the earliest days in Grayson County history, the Christian Church has been prominent among the area’s communities and residents. One of the oldest is that of the First Christian Church in Van Alstyne. The following is taken from the historical marker outside of the church:

“Collin McKinney, pioneer settler and signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence, was the leader of the Bowie county congregation, which had worshipped informally since 1831. Between 1844 and 1846 the group moved to Liberty (later called "Mantua"), three miles southwest of here. In 1846, under McKinney and J.B. Wilmeth, the congregation was reorganized as the "Liberty Church" with eighteen members. In 1854, the First Mantua Christian Church was built.”

One of the churches that Mantua backed and helped to form was the First Christian Church in Howe. In 1872, just after the founding of Howe, the founding fathers of the town met and soon established what was to become the First Christian Church at Howe. In the beginning, the early congregation held their services in resident homes and other public buildings. In 1893, the church purchased a lot on the southeast corner of O’Connell and Denny Street from Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson for $350. A building was then constructed, a building which is still standing, although just barely. The pulpit for the First Christian Church in Howe was donated by Charles A. Culberson, Governor of Texas and friend of charter member, J. A. Hughes. Revivals, church socials and many other community events were held just outside in the church’s courtyard. After its 75th anniversary, the church was forced to close its doors due to a decline in membership.

The building was later gifted to the city. For a time, the Howe Historical Society tried to have the building cleaned up and restored, however there was not enough manpower and support to maintain the building. Since the city’s ownership of the building, it has been left to rot in despair, taking with it what little history Howe has remaining within its city limits. When I contacted the city, they confirmed that they do indeed own the building and that it was as stated before, gifted to them. The city stated that it does not currently have the funds to restore or renovate the building. I assume they do not have the funds to maintain the building either by looking at its condition. The city informed me that perhaps in a couple of years they would apply for grants or low interest loans…I only hope the sad old building makes it that long. Texas Historical Commission has many grants available to help with cost in restoring old buildings such as the church, a simple Google search will reveal this. As I have no interest in politics I will try and remain neutral in this regard by limiting my thoughts to only the following. The city recently agreed to spend $18,000 on new ballpark lights according to publications. Howe City minutes are not publicly posted online, the last minutes having been posted were from June of 2014.

I then asked if the city was confident that the building would last another couple of years to which their response was that they are hopeful it will. When asked if they could gift it to someone that could financially care for it, their response was that they could not. They would however, probably be willing to let an outside society or organization come in and preserve the building, spending their own time and money on the project, so long as the city remains the owner. However, given their track record, who’s to say that the city would maintain the building once it’s restored? When asked why not proceed and apply for grants the city stated they were not aware that there were any no-match grants…again, a simple Google search would reveal several options. I suggested also to the city that perhaps they should try and get community involvement to try and raise money to restore the building as I am sure no one likes to see it in the condition that it is in. There was no response. According to the city they had an estimate done in 2010 at which point a contractor informed them it would cost the city $693,200 to renovate, with the company to receive a $56,000 profit. The city administrator said that he is open to ideas as to how to raise a half a million dollars. Well, my suggestion…get a new estimate. Not that new baseball field lights are not important and a necessity, but isn’t preserving your town’s history just as important? Perhaps even more important? When asked if any fundraisers, community events or efforts by the city had been made to try and raise funds for the restoration and preservation, their response wasm "No". The city also specifically stated that preserving this building has not been high on the priority list. The fact that the building is in the shape that it is in, is in many ways the city’s fault and it is time that they correct their mistake and negligence that they have bestowed upon the old church. Had the building been boarded up, winterized and sealed up in other ways, it would be in much better shape than it is currently in. This would have prevented vandalism, weathering and other natural forces that have been allowed to freely destroy the church. A couple hundred dollars should have easily taken care of this.

I have contacted the Texas Historical Commission to see if they can assist as well as the Grayson County Historical Commission of which I am a part of. Unfortunately, I am sure that unless the city takes action with strong community backing, no one will be able to help restore the old and historic building before it is too late…perhaps in a couple of years. The Howe founder’s day celebration is set for later this month and I have seen no mention of trying to raise any funds or awareness to the church…the church of which was a major part of the founding of Howe. I am writing this in hopes that enough attention will be drawn to this endangered historical landmark and that swift action will be taken. As Grayson County Historian, Elaine Bay stated to me, “I cringe every time I drive by that building.” Take heed fair village, for surely a community with no regard to its past has no hopes for a successful future.

Trails of Our Past

Howe Christian Church History
Susan Hawkins

© 2024

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