Assembly of God
The Denison
July 27, 1938
Local Church Began During Tent Revival
First known under the name of Full Gospel, the Assembly of God Church
organized here, October 27, 1928 following a several-week revival in a
tent at the
corner of Austin Avenue and Woodard street by Evangelist P.W. Shaver
Oklahoma City, the first pastor. It
began with forty-seven members.
The church was an independent Full Gospel unit until May of 1930 when
it became
a member of the Assembly of God Churches whose headquarters are at
Missouri. Rev. R.E. Ford
was elected pastor.
During the time the church was independent, a lot was purchased at 810
W. Munson
and a large tabernacle erected. After
the church went into the Assembly of God it dismantled the tabernacle
erected the present building under the leadership of Rev. Ford.
In October 1930 Rev. Ford went to Bridgeport, Texas, and the church
called Rev.
E.M. Putnam.
The following have been pastors of the church:
Rev. C. Franks
Rev. P.W. Newby
Rev. U.S. Grant.
the ministry
of Rev. Grant the church was cleared of indebtedness on November 29, 1937. Shortly afterward Rev.
Grant went to Goose
Creek, Texas. On
January 1, 1938 the
present pastor, Rev. P.A. Lewis,
took up
his duties, During
the past six months the church has experienced heavy growth.

Assembly of God History
Susan Hawkins
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