First Presbyterian Church 400 block of W. Gandy Street Denison, Texas The Sunday Gazetteer Sunday, October 28, 1900 pg. 4 CHURCH DEDICATED Dedicatory service was held in the Presbyterian church Sunday. This remodeling and additions to the old church edifice were completed last week, the debt incurred by the extension - $3,000 - had been arranged for, and Sunday was indeed a glad day for the Presbyterians of the city. The building, as remodeled, presents an imposing appearance, the seating capacity has been almost doubled, and the interior finish is chaste and elegant. The old building was the first denominational church edifice erected in the city, it being a monument to the energy and effort of Mrs. Sarah C. Acheson; and all the old pioneer citizens, of whatever denomination, will rejoice that the old landmark and guide of '72 has been retained intact in the enlarged church. Three services were held. At the 11 o'clock service, Rev. H.S. Little gave a short historical sketch of the church, its founding and founders, subsequent pastors, etc. His talk was most interesting, and three of the original 12 were present to hear him. Of the others, some have united with other churches, others have drifted away to other states, and still others have entered into the rewards of work well done here. The pastor, Rev. A.F. Bishop, preached the dedication sermon. At all times an entertaining speaker, having attained his heart's desire in the enlargement of the church to meet present needs, for which he has labored faithfully during the 4 years of his pastorate, he seemed gifted with special eloquence for the dedication, and his reference to the memories clustering round the old now merged into the new awakened in his hearers the recollections of the struggles, and triumphs of pioneer days. The musical program was most elaborate. The choir of 20 voices was led by Mrs. A.F. Bishop, Miss Martha Little, organist. At 3 o'clock there was a union service, the pastors of all denominations having seats on the platform and each adding to the interest by a brief talk on a special subject. Col. R.C. Foster represented the Y.M.C.A. The choir was reinforced by several members of the Polymnian Club and the musical service for the afternoon was grand. Miss Annie Legate was the soloist. At night Rev. Dr. Little preached the sermon, an earnest, eloquent, discourse, and the music was again of the highest order. "Abide With Me," sung by Mesdames Bishop, Harris, Robinson and Miss Mabel Dain, were very find. In fact the musical feature at all the services could not have been improved. ![]() First Presbyterian Church History Susan Hawkins © 2024 If you find any of Grayson CountyTXGenWeb links inoperable, please send me a message. |